Tuesday, 21 May 2013


All dispensations have an angel to bring to accomplishment the purposes of God. Angels are engineered to take orders. The current dispensation was from Christ, and is running the last leg.

They are servants of God and the word of their master is their command. Call them the custodians of the law. In fact, its written that the Leviticus laws were give by the hand of the angels. When Israel received the law, God stepped back a pace and left His angel in charge. But not without a warning- Beware of his presence, and be obedient to the law(Exodus 22). The importance of this warning would later be seen as the punishments for the least of the laws would result in mass burials.  The same legal regimes are found in other communities worldwide as the principalities of this age are still under the gods of the age.

Once you chose the paths of the law you transfer to the rule of the angels and they know no mercy, just the word, the law. This explains the harshness of the levitical laws and sharia, also laws of the earlier civilizations. The law needs faith to access the power of the covenant of Christ. In the book of Hebrews, which deals with the difference between the two covenants of Moses and of Christ, we learn that the physical actions based law of Moses led to physical inheritance(of the nations) while the new covenant which laws are spiritual in nature, lead to a spiritual heritage. This is a more superior heritage as it is eternal. 

The new spiritual law stars with belief in God. This difference was in the shadows of the old covenant represented by the veil which was torn down as soon as Christ descended to the dark places of the earth to make a looting out of them. The loot was the new glory, the new gifts which of it is written He left with men. This had been the glory beyond the veil of the temple. It is also the cherubim of the ark of the covenant who immediately were released for the service of the new covenant. This is the power of the saintsin the current age.

 Dependence on works of law without the spirit results to a greater accusation by law. There are times, in the middle of spiritual warfare, when the best thing to do is find a distraction, which takes your mind off trying to fight off the devil by your own power. Fallen Angels take advantage of this efforts of the flesh. Praying to/for a release of "angelic protection" is not necessary. All humanity has Angels keeping charge of them-from the womb. Assigned as God wills its important to trust in his judgement. Even for the sons of darkness are fallen angels assigned to them, for the same reason. They just don't play fair. For this reason, yielding to the seal of grace, the promise of the new covenant is important for the sake of the angels. It gives the angels of light (the angel of the covenant) a basis for vouching for you even in shortfalls or unjust accusations by the devil, and its also the power of God unto salvation from all things.

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