Saturday 22 June 2013


What is the importance of Christ in Christianity? Christs importance can be understood from the study of the powerful laws of covenant making. This is because the entry of Christ into the culture of worhip came on the inception of a covenant, the new covenant, other wise called the new testament. Before His coming to earth, men worshiped God in a different way. All the peoples of the earth had discovered that the language of God was sacrifice. There was no close relational dealings with God in terms of conversation and or prayer as freely as we have today in Christianity. God was then a mystery, feared so much that even shrines were restricted in visits and behaviour. In Israel, whose God is also the God of the Cristians, there was a section of the holy temple completely shut away from the worshipers. Only once a year did one elected person enter this place called holy of holies, where the presence of God dwelt. The inception of Christ into belief in God
completely changed the way we worship. The secret is in the new covenant.

The first covenant of worship between God and men came with Israel. God taught them the secrets of reaching Him through lagalistic means, also refered to as the Torah. Through a system of dos and donts, Israel learnt how to offer sacrifices that would actually be acceptable. This reminds me of sacrificial ceremonies in Africa where blood is usually mixed with the dung of the animal and then poured out as as a sacrifice. Now this would not suffice for the God of Israel, our God. First the sacrificial animal would be without blemish, blood would be drained out of it, not to be offered, and certainly dung would not be offered. God was teaching His people that He would not take any form of corruption from them. This was how the lack of corruption would be expressed, by synonyms of the law. The law is ia system of similitudes that seek to teach us of the nature of God and how to relate to Him.

The coming of Christ was with a change of how we relate to God.He introduced the idea of worship in spirit and in truth, and he challenged the most rigorous of the law keepers about their Godliness. He was surely poised to become a stumbling block to many in a nation whose God had dramatically introduced to the law in the wilderness. What in fact was happening is that the age was turning over and a new age, new laws(more spiritual) were coming into force fast. Life changes, and periodically, a new system arises and takes firm roots, impacting an entire age. The new system was Cristianity, sinking deep its teeth into the systems of the world, and the most notable difference with this new system would the the power with which it took over. The blind were seeing, crippled walked, and lepers got cleanced. The bound were getting set free, spiritually in the name of Jesus. The spiritual structures of power over the earth had turned over and the new King was
walking among the people in flesh. Power had shifted in the heavens, a major shift that ushered in a new dispensation. I call this a dispensation of Chrit for the reason that, though the principalities of the earth remain till its end, they are subjected to Christ. It is for this reason that we pray "in the name of Jesus". It is an acknowledgement and use of the power of the King that sits above all principality, right next to His Father. The name of this prince of Kings is Jesus Christ. His rule is over all other kings(many they are), and gods and powers. This is the power we have in Christ. Power to be translated from this darkness that sits over the world to light. And He is the light of the world. This is why Christ is indispensable.

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