Friday 10 May 2013


In the design of the temple and practice, several principles a had to be adhered to. The temple was designed to offer sacrifice to God, a King, a great King. His people may have shortcomings, but the offerings had to be have to be without blemish. This is what is worshiping in the beauty of holiness. These principles of holiness were hidden with the instructions of the ways of offering that made up the mosaic law. We shall examine these principles as presented in the law, and see what they foreshadowed in our temples,the new temple of the Holy Spirit.

For all offering, there was a specified time within which the portion of the priests had to be eaten(Lev 7:17), three days. It was assumed that within these three days, the offering, now food, would still be safe to ingest. This was especially so for the vow and voluntary offering, among other animal offerings that the priests or the offerers were given a portion(Lev 7:33). This is the principle of the incorruptibility of the offering. As corrupt offering are not received by God(Ps 15:8) Remember that Christ, the ultimate offering, died for three days, and in those days the bible says; "He (God) would not let His anointed see corruption." So three days the time set to assure the purity of the sacrifice, and Christ was a Sacrifice in place of the sin offering for humanity. As far as the offering of fellowship goes, corruption of this offering comes in the mixing of darkness and light, for what fellowship do these have with each other? it is written. 

Practically, love with, give, share, fellowship...with one heart, and with joy.

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