Friday 10 May 2013


The temple was made for offerings. God, as before, honors them by His presense. Those who are given to God, not in terms of works as was with the specific animal offerings(Lev 1:2), but in the spirit(Phil 3:3), do dwell in the presence of God. This is a continuation of the gifts of men / the new temple.

Animal offerings included tresspass offerings(Lev 5:6,) sin offerings and burnt offerings(Lev 1:3) being a part of this category. The purpose of the offering is in the name. Trespass for missteps, sin for repentance, and burnt offering for total submission to Gods cleansing process through fire. He is a consuming fire as the letter to Hebrews put it. The burnt offering is now, death to self. Christ too, is represented as being a burnt offering by His work of the cross. He implores His disciples to similarly take up the cross and follow Him. This is a call to willfully walk in godliness. David says that God would, rather than animal sacrifices, receive a contrite and  and a broken spirit(Ps 51:17.) This is a spirit that is given to God. This is actually what happens at salvation.

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