Friday 10 May 2013


The glory of God is His wealth, and the heritage of all of His sons:
  • Proverbs 10:9(wealth is a strong city.) This means that glory surrounds one as an important line of both defense and offence. It is the principle that determines the availability of counsel(and power) for war. It rains on both the wicked and the just and it is therefore a fact that both will seasonally experience a time of protection and a time of stripping of the protection for testing. This is discoursed in the seasons of war.
  • Proverbs 11:4(Riches do not profit in the day of wrath(signifying the change of seasons especially for the wicked when the wrath of God is poured onto the wicked.)) The wicked are at times referred to as "rich" for their own glory, which is soulish gratification. It is expected from all men to be completely given(in spirit) to God.
  • Scripture provides a hint on how to build this stronghold: A house is built through wisdom, established by understanding, and chambers filled by knowledge(Prov 24:3). This filling with power is the increase of the glory of God in ones life. This makes wisdom, understanding and knowledge the greatest of the gifts of the Spirit of God. It is the key to the power of God, which is His glory. This is further reiterated: (A man of knowledge increases strength(Prov 24:5)).

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