Thursday 6 June 2013


This name refers to God as the eternal creator (Gen 1:1)
This refers to the power of God to make things into existence, just as He did in the first chapters of the book of Genesis. This power did not end here. It is eternal or everlasting. With the same power God gave the plans for the ark that protected Noah from the storm, and the first temple. He is also building us an eternal home. This earth will in the end of the coming age, be replaced by a new one(Rev 21:1.).

This name means "the lord our sanctifier(Exodus 31:13)" It is the power of God that turns us from sinners to sanctified. It is the first power that hits us at savation, the power to become His sons.

This name means "the Lord our Righteousness(Jer 23:6).
After being sanctified by His power, we are then able to draw to His alter with a sacrifices of righteousness(Psalms 4:5, 51:19). This righteousness comes by the power of God represented in this name. God literally becomes our rigteous ness, making us continuously acceptable before Him.

This name refers to God as "our God.(Psalms 99:5,8,9)" It is important to know many men have their own gods, but to as many as have been appointed to life, only the true one God above all other Gods is their God. These are the sheep. The gods of this world on the other hand are a veil against the things of God. This is therefore the most vulnerable group when it comes to deception(Daniel 11:32). Infact the deception that is in the world in this season is to create a clear separation between true worshipers and the insincere ones. It is a time of testing, purging and preparation for an age of righteousness that is at hand. Jehovah Eloheenu refers to the power of God that keeps us from being deceived by other gods, and the power that causes us to acknowledge Him alone as God above all. It is this power that is in His gospel, that draws His people to Him. It is the power that makes you know you know Him. The power that drew you to Him.

This name means "the Lord of peace." Judges 6:24.
Peace is one of the many powers of God. It is on this mountain of power that the temple of God is built. It is an important principality and power in the kingdom of God. Christ is the prince of the principality known as peace(Isaiah 9:6). It is for this reason that peace is under invasion. It is on the foundation of peace that fruits of righteousness grow forth(fruits of righteousness are sown in peace(James 3:18)). This mountain was declared as the only place from which offering sacrifice was allowed in Israel(Deutronomy 12:11,13,14).

(All the powers and characters of God are part of the manifold grace of God. The teachings on the power of God as presented in His names by Faith Shadora will continue in the next and last article on the same.)

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