Friday, 10 May 2013


The tabernacle is also the glory of God. This glory sums up all the gifts from God. This are what the promises of the covenant are. This is the secret of the covenant(of Christ) that He promises to show(give) only those that fear Him(Ps 25:14). The temple/ tabernacle is also the house of the Lord(Ps 27:4,5) also the true temple, and while in it, men are to offer sacrifices(Ps 27:6). The glory of God is also the the food of all men. This is why Christ spoke of being full after the conversation with the Samaritan woman. This was the gift of fellowship, offered by, first Him to the Samaritan, and from her to Him. This is the reciprocity of the giving of God. The result is enrichment, a spiritual food refered to in Ps 28:9. This is power. The same was the story of Mary, whose sister, Martha reproached from sitting and listening to Christ, instead of helping with the cooking. She had chosen the important part, Christ said in her defense.

In this temple, worship has to be done in the beauty of holiness(Ps 29:2) This is the essense of the requirement for lack of blemish in all sacrificess of the shadowy tabernacle of Moses. Having blemish would actually result to an abomination of a gift. Not just useless, but actually offensive to God. For this reason , God refers to sacrifices offered by the wicked(wickedness being the blemish foreseen by th first temple) as abominations

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