Wednesday 29 May 2013


No one Speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus Accursed...
...and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit of God.(1ST Cor 12:3). This means that a spirit that is not from God will refer to Christ as a demon, which is what the pharisees had done. There are diverse ways in which one can call Jesus accursed, other than just being overt. If you call a child a son of the devil, aren't you referring to his father as the devil? It is therefore important to have tested and tried all we have misgivings about thoroughly before declaring them accursed (bedeviled.) 

We are all work in progress, though I acknowledge the presence of many masqueraders in the faith. These may call sons of light demon possesed as a way of aggression. He had in fact seen light, and was threatened, opting for intimidation. This can make you lose your cool. Don't. The first time this happened to me I laughed, being sure the spirit had just revealed itself. Keep away from such by the way. Remember Christ picked Judas as he selected His twelve apostles. These is because the gospel is not a preserve of only the sons of light but the sons of darkness too. The rulers of this world have stewardship over the earth for the duration of the reign of the powers of the air, and the twelfth apostle, by appointment is a son of darkness. Christ died for the entire generation. Not just His own. So relax. For this reason a time, which has begun is appointed, in which many of these will stumble, and be purged. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. He will surely come back to his senses when righteousness is revealed in the last day. This is a hard truth, and a hard pill to swallow. And the shepherd, who is a goat will continue to reign terror on the flock, just for a short while.

When Jesus was delivering people from demonic bondage, some of the rulers of the people said that He was using the power of a prine of demons, Belzebub. This, Jesus refered to as an insult to the Holy spirit, being the empowering Spirit over him. Like wise, insult to Jesus might be indirect, by directing it to His people, in whom He dwells. There are many who point out people as demonic, without considering the fruit that such bear, whether they be right, or other points of discernment. That is why true servants of God wont hate on a group of people indiscriminately.

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