Thursday, 9 January 2014


When a lion takes over a new pride, his efforts concentrate on securing his throne. He understands the concept of replacement of principalities. The new king ensures his security by destroying the next generation of rulers sired by the preceding, and takes over the fathering. The same changes happens in the spirit, and on the earth, manifesting change of authority, many through. This is so even in our modern society. Wars and most important, targeting of children for destruction is happening right before our eyes. But in a politically correct society, the wars are referred to as things like liberation, democratization and the killing of children is cited as choosing sex, abortion, hunger, pestilence and alarmingly, human trafficking.

The principalities of our generations have ALREADY changed. We are not talking of a possible future here.When the season changed in favor of Israel, a new king arose in Egypt, this has happened with respect to our generation. All male children born to Israel were condemned to execution. Same with Herod and the birth of Christ. The reigning principalities are usually enjoined with the seed of man, but this will not work perfectly for the last days(Daniel 2:43). Also expected is a need for worship by the new power, to be thus enjoined to the rest of the people. Expect also an increase in supernatural manifestations of the miraculous and witchcraft from this new generation of men (watch out for these especially in the realms of the south, where previously bound ancients of the Americas and Africa have been released). The new changes account for the increased darkness. Remember the residual hedge. That will help the chosen, while the wicked shall be exposed(Daniel 11:33-35).

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