Monday 2 September 2013


The prophet Malachi compares Esau with Jacob. These are the fathers of two nations, principalities born out of the same age, but only one which found favour with God. While the elder passed the chance, the young, for which God says "...I hated Esau, and laid His mountains and His heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness..."(Malachi 1:4.) Translated to our time these are two principalities, one birthed into the promise yet blinded to it, while another whose eyes are open to the spiritual heritage of the call, works against all odds to earn it and succeeds. This story is like the parable of the man who was working a land wherein he found treasure hidden and burried. He went back to his home, sold everything he had and bought the field. This was Christs parable of the kingdom of God, that while many are offered the opportunity, only few find it valuable.

Within our age are, of similarity to the story of the two nations. The last shall be first and the first last, which is refered to as a distinction between the called and the chosen. This is because while the calling is to many, the chosing is to those who respond to the call (Mathew 20:16.)

The difference between the called and the chosen is the spiritual adornment (Mathew 23:14), or ability to bear fruit worthy of the call(Mathew 21:43), or have oil in your lamps/be a continuous living sacrifice (Mathew 25:1-12), otherwise put as making profit/acceptance of Gods gifts/grace (Mathew 25:30,) of which He said that to the one with much, more shallbe added.

The Lord sometimes ascribed the difference between the two nations which shall not inherit together to a quality inherent inherent in the being of the two. One He likened to sheep, known for their blind following and subdued demeanor, as opposed to goats which are anything but calm, uncontrolable and hard of training. These are likened to two nations within the same age (Mathew 25:33,34.) The difference between the called and the chosen in the parable is that while the sheep do His works, their counterparts do not. In Mark 4:12, the difference is as a result of the presence or absence of an inherent ability to both hear and perceive, and to hear and understand, blamed on the intention to not have them converted, sins forgiven, hence the saying that to those that hear, more shall be given (4:24.) That predicament sounds contestable. It is the most vulnerable group when it comes to spiritual deception for this reason.

Christ continues to teach on the differences of these two nations of an age. One nation was of builders, who rejected Christ as part of their structure, and to those that accepted Him, He was a cornerstone (Mark 12:10.) This rejection was out of jealousy (Mark 15:2,) born out of competition for glory. To those whose structure this cornerstone was added was a permanent Kingdom born (Mark 15:2). This glory of the flesh is actually the veil that stands between the perception of God and men, also refered to a treasure which man layeth up for himself and is not rich toward God (Luke 12:21). Puffing up of the soul/flesh is corruption of the spirit. Seek first the Kingdom of God to find riches more valuable than these (Luke 12:32.)

It is no surprise that the prophet Malachi then proceeds to teach about the house/temple og God. He teaches of offerings, worship and laws. The same temple is a replica of that founded by Christ (Zechariah 6:13,) All the teachings of Christ were foreshadowed in the law, He being the very word, the law of God. There in the law was the spiritual things we now partake declared until they came to pass. The spiritual is more glorious, powerful that the regal mechanics of the laws of the old testament. So is the resultant spiritual heritage. This makes the difference between the two laws. The price of mechanical obedience in the old laws and covenant was a physical land, Israel. The price for the spiritual sanctification and offerings is life (John 3:16.) Also priesthood and Kingship in the Kingdom of God.

Prophet Malachi discerns the times of His prophesy, then and now. The time shall coincide with the assignment of a messenger (Malachi 3:1.) This should be an Angel (and a man or not.) John the baptist has fulfilled the first phase of this prophesy. Christ reiterated that indeed one He refered to as Elijah would come. This messenger is to prepare the way before the Lord (Malachi 3:1.) He shall be preparing for a time when the age shall go through refinery, a purification to become a perfect offering (Malachi 3:3). He shall come as a judge (3:5). When these nations are sanctified, God will rebuke their enemies (Malachi 3:11), restore their lost glory Malachi (3:12), and seal the restoration with a more generous gracing of the earth with the gift of knowledge and discernment between good and evil. This increased revelation completes the restoration of the peoples (Malachi 3:18). The prophet sticks to the now farmiliar theme: two peoples, a falling away,
vengeance and restoration of the heritage and of worship, the prophesy of the brief prophet Micah to our generation.

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