Wednesday 5 June 2013


This is a continuation in the knowledge of the powers of God.

This name of God means "the lord is my banner."(Exodus 17:15) A banner is a protective covering over a person. This therefore refers to the power of God that is a spiritual garment covering us. This is the annointing that keeps us from wicked darts even when we are not aware we are in war. The banner of God over us is also His love (songs of solomon 2:4). Love is the most powerful weapon that we have.

This means the God who sees(Gen 16:13-14).
This name refers to the power of God to see all things past, present and future on earth and heaven. It is the power at work in His prophets. It is also the power of God to be a witness to the nations and principalities and powers and to bring them to judgement when their time is fulfilled. This power of God also assures us of being constantly under the watchful and caring eyes of God.

This refers to te power of God to last forever. It is through this power that God has and will always be. This power of God is the source of life when we believe in Him, as we are too promised an everlasting life(John 3:16). At salvation, we receive this power which right now, empowers us to live beyond this age.

This powerful name means "the lord our healer."(Exodus 15:26) It is the power of God to heal disease and infirmity; spiritual, physical and even mental disorders. This power is at work in men He endows with the gift of healing(1st Cor 8:9). It is aslo power to renew land and heal it too, the same power that will heal the earth in the age to come.

This means "the mighty God."(Isaiah 9:6-7) It refers to power resident with God as a king above all principality and power that rules the earth in all ages past present and future. This power is Gods strength to overide and overpower all these, and also to allocate to every other power their abilities and inability. It is by this power that God is the commander all host, and all powers do acknowledge and submit to Him. He puts Kings on thrones, and demotes them as He wishes(Daniel 4:34-35).

(The powers of God shall continue...Article by Faith Shadora.)

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