Friday 10 May 2013


The second category of animal offerings of the old temple is meat offering(Lev:2:1) These types of offerings were specific in ensuring that the ministers(Priests and Levites) would not starve(that they would have meat), as they were not apportioned land like the rest of the twelve. It was the supply of the temple. A part of all the meat offering would be burnt for a memorial(Lev 2:16). This would be an offering to God from the priests, for the sake of the offerers of this gift, for its(the gift's) sanctification before God. This offering remains in this dispensation , as a gift to ministers(within which most of our monetary offerings fall today). Reference is found in Phil 4:18 where Paul refered to such as a sweet-smelling aroma. The question remains how to honor the same before God for the sake of the givers as the priests had been taught(verse 29) being first, a gift to God. An example of such dishonor would be the actions of the sons of Samuel, who for their dishonor, God said that they had caused the people of Israel to err.

Meat offerings were in form of  food supplies,  tithes, and first fruit in the old testament. These continue to be relevant in the new temple. Jesus put it, whatever you did to the least of these, you did to me. Considering that we, in addition to our ministers have a new temple, to which we worship in spirit and truth, these gifts need be of a spiritual nature too. Patience for example, love, mercy, healing are among some of the gifts of God given for service to the new temple.

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