Monday 22 July 2013


Obadiah prophesies to the Nation of Edom. Edom as a nation is the progeny of Esau, Jacobs elder brother. Edom, is Esau had the birthright of the inheritance of Canaan, which Jacob took. It is written that Esau despised his birthright, having sold it for a bowl of lentil soup. This would be likened to the parable of the prodical son, who did not appreciate His status and riches while with the father, opting to fulfil his fleshly lusts at the expense of His heritage (Luke 15). God would later express His hatred for Esaus choice(Malachi 1:2). The prophesy of Obadiah addresses in spirit a nation other than the elect, who though enjoying a certain level of favour with God, fail to appreciate their predicament and end up loosing their Heritage, like Edom would to Israel(Obadiah 1:18-21).

The mistakes of esau are replayed by His herited nation, Edom. Because of the covenant of brotherhood that existed by birth between Esau and Jacob, by extension Edom and Israel, God treated Edom with favour. As Israel proceeded against nations as they transitioned into their promise, God commanded Israel not to touch Edom(Deutronomy 2:4-6,22). The same was commanded of Lot, Abrahams nephew and companion in the call(Deutronomy 2:9 concerning Moab and Deutronomy 2:19 concerning Ammon. For being partakers with the journey of their companions, Lot and Esau had obtained favour with God, albeit on a different level with the carriers of the covenant promise.)

Edoms mistake was His forgetfulness of the shared experience and favour with his brother. Edom would not be reciprocal to the favour with which Israel treated her. Edom connived with the enemies of Israel at their time of desolation (Obadiah 1:10-14). This is not well pleasing before God. For this they lose their favour, and heritage with God, and their land is converted into additional inheritance for Jacob (Obadiah 1:8-21).

The relevance of the prophesy of Obadiah to this age is great. When Christ was born, and this age with Him, so were two nations within one dispensation. One of these principalities is a fruitful nation, bringing forth the fruit of repentance, one is not(Mat 21:38). Just as it was with Esau and Jacob, one of these two nations are possessed of the birthright of inheritance by being the first born, the other nation is a nation inferior, poor in spirit, a nation of servants. The stewards then become unfaithful keepers of a heritage entrusted to them as the master tarries in a far away land(Luke 20:1-16). The master of the heritage has a hard time getting any harvest out of them.

The principle of two nations within one calling is repeated throughout the scripture. This was a foreshadow of the current age, and of the age to come. There was Cain and Abel/Seth displaying the literaly antagonist versus protagonist. Shem(through Israel) and Ham(through Canaan) would later replay this. The covenant of brotherhood is involved in these two, Edom and Israel.

The foreshadow of the principle of the two nations within one calling is revealed in the new testament with the phrase, "many are called, few are chosen". This phrase ends the parable of the sower, conserning hearers versus hearers and doers of the word of God (Mark 4:12,24, Mark 22:22). The parable of the ten virgins is a good example of this(Mat 25:1-12). All ten virgins hear the call, and prepare for the wedding. In the company of the wise, the foolish virgins walked, until the midnight hour struck, and their lamps burnt the last drop of oil. In this hour of darkness, many lamps will burn out. The bride groom tarries.

The typo of the two nations tended side by side is continued in the parable of the wheat and tares (Mathew 13:24,25,38,39). There is a separation and distinction that comes at the end of the age.

The end of the prophesy of Obadiah is with tragedy. The heritage of Edom is converted by Israel (Obadiah 1:18, 19), to go with the phrase, to whoever has, more shall be added while to the one who does not have, even that which he has got shall be taken away (Mathew 13:12).

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