Friday 7 June 2013


Exposition of the Mystery of Babylon, The Ruling Principalities and Powers of the Earth.
The Babylonian principality was established in the days of Nimrod, the powerful descendant of Ham. Later elevated by the tower of babel, from which the name seems to originate. The Identity of a Kingdom or a principality isn't limited to a specific generation or to geography, as demonstrated in the vision of King Nebuchadnezer concerning the Kingdom of Babylon. It spanned four different identities, and historically, many more names and Kings. The special feature of this Kingdom However, is in its Identity as the Seat of the King of Kings, Under whom God had submitted other Kings of the earth. The Kingdom still is, in a blended in form within our society. The destruction of this city, its spiritual characteristics appearing in the revelation Ch.18 is in the end of the current age(Daniel 7, 8 & 9), the age in which the Kingdoms of the Earth are under the sway of the wicked one, and the ushering of the age of the reign of Christ, the age of righteousness.

The character of the city is more mystical than stone and brick:

  • It is characterized as a woman(Rev 18)
The bible has numerous references to the woman, also referred to as a whore. Her interaction with man is also common. Also a symbol of temptation.(Prov 2:16, 5:9, 6:26, 22:14, 23:28, 27:6, 24:25, Ecc 7:26, 1 Cor 5:10, 6:18, 14:33, 2ND COR 6:15)

  • She is seated on a beast
Beast are presentations of demonic powers or principality. A king may also appear as an animal in a vision or a dream.The heads are demonic Kings who exude the animals authority. This one Has seven Kings, with the dragon itself being the eighth according to the passage. Through the eyes of Daniel, it is synonymous with the rise of the terrible one in chapter 8 and the rise of the Goat in chapter 8. The similarities are uncanny. The  Dan 7 beast has 10 kings, 3 of which are later deposed by the terrible one.  This more prominent one later arises against the saints in all three instances.

  • The trade of the city
Another spiritual characteristic, the woman is drunk with the blood of the saints(rev 18:24). The thief comes not but to kill, to steal, and to destroy. This is in reference to Babylon as the devil himself, being the city that caused all the kings of the earth to sin. It is almost a personification of sin in a whore. This is the character of sin. Seductive and sensual.

The merchants of the earth come to BABYLON to trade with the souls and spirits of men. (rev 18:13)
The Kings of the Earth commit(ted) adultery with her(refer to references to the whore above.)

Referred to as the lawless,  this terrible principality does not respect the rule of the King of kings, the creator, or of His people. He puts the other Kings(spiritual) to His tribute and to his bidding.(Job 9:24- the earth is given to the hands of the wicked, we war not against flesh and blood.....Eph 6)

Establishment of spiritual principalities, herein called Babylon, starts at the lowest unit of human existence. It starts with man ruling his spirit. The establishment of this principality over the dominion of men was first with Eve, her flesh gaining control over her, then Cain after her,  a man of the flesh whose sacrifices God abhorred as he does the sacrifices of the wicked.  

Those not in control of their spirits are possessed or are greatly influenced by the activities of unclean spirits or demons referred to as rulers. These are sinful flesh of men(The flesh can be destroyed but only by the power of the spirit of God). They rule over demonic legions in the lower levels of demonic authorities(though even kings of spiritual principalities are sometimes referred to as rulers by scripture). Their presence is more common than you may realize as human spirits are like cities that need authority and laws to function especially when there are more than one to interact. Rulers are sons of the law. Rulers are different from demonic powers that are based on negative emotion, like fear, by having authority over the same. Spiritually, they have a body just like men, growing old with age too.  After the fall, their watching, just like other angels who are not fallen remains, but it is corrupted with unjust judgments and sin and vanities. A true abomination before God.  David refers to such as the sword of God (ps 17:13) during a season of war when they attack the children of God. They manipulate the word of God to bind. Remember they have charge and stewardship(unfaithful of course) over spiritual territory as rulers. It is for this reason that it is not easy to get rid of their influence, unless just for a select season like when Paul confronted one Bar-Jesus. Battles against such is with the good counsel of the Lord. Their favor(the rulers) should not be sought (they become gods to some people).

Sin and judgement in a land increases with the increase of such corrupted persons. In the multitude of rulers in a land is the build-up of transgression(prov 29:16). This is due to their increase of the burden of the law upon the peoples. They are the accusers of the brethren, unjustly so.  Perfection by the law being impossible, and the law not being without punishment, otherwise known as the curse of the law, the people are heavily burdened and persecuted. This does not only affect those strictly being legal and proper, through they are more vulnerable. People, do not attend a church where you are told that if you do not pay a certain sum or do a certain deed, you are doomed in any way. It is an accusation and when repeated enough times, it will sink into your heart and instill an unclean conscience that interferes with peoples relationship with God. Do not be your own accuser. Those who know their God remember that they have an advocate in Christ. He fights the power of the law with the power of His Grace poured out in this age, that whosoever believes shall be saved.

An increase in the rulers will attract the attention of the King of the age, as a land needing order, which he will impose through appointed princes, and tribute. The enemies of Christ were refering to Him as one of these when they said He was using Belzeebub, the prince of demons to cast out other demons(Mat 12:24) . Demons range in power and the more powerful can manipulate and subdue the less powerful. But they are one as they fight the children of God. These ordered territories of several rulers become principalities headed by a prince. The rulers of the land, separately from the action of the King will most likely elevate the greater one amongst them to the level of a King(refer Mark 10:42,43). This will be a minor Kingdom, under the authority of the King of a greater power.

Several princes may watch over the less dominant Kings and Kings may have more powerful princes, second to the king keeping them in order. Princes like Rulers, are also prone to corruption(prov 28:19) especially as they want in understanding. Kings on most occassion are subject and practice or pretend to practice justice with the law of He who is above all. All these are powers of wickedness so do not put yourself before them. The rise of the terrible King is quite peculiar with him, the gloves are off. He is an expert in harsh laws(Daniel 7). All rulers are, kings included. The rise and fall of the more dorminant Kings is also not as common. It only happens at appointed times and seasons of God but in the end times of the Age, and now is, nations rise against nations and Kingdoms against Kingdoms. It is a shaking of principalities of the earth, the appointed season for major shifts in the principalities is now.

All the levels of ruler make up the judges of the earth(Ecc 3:16) for their function of being the sons/ bearers of the law. Principalities are divided into sub-principalities by princes, and all retain specific character as seen in the visions. Though wickedness is in their places, there is one higher, that fights for the cause of the people(Ecc 5:8). These are the principalities of this earth, in their orders.

Article by faith shadora.

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