Saturday, 27 July 2013


The prophesy of Jonah is important in our time. Christ, when asked to show a sign from God said of this generation, that the only sign we would see is the sign of Jonah(Mathew 16:4). The mission of Jonah to Nineveh is also the mission of Christ to our generation(Luke 11:30.)

Prophet Jonah is different from many prophets of the day in that his mission was to a gentile nation, Nineveh. Why did God expect repentance from them? They had not entered a covenant with God like Israel. This prophetic word teaches us that God reigns not just over the just, but the entire universe. It also represents the universality of Gods expectations of all men, the universality of His statutes.

Nineveh was an idolatrous nation. It exerted power over many nations, Israel included. Nineveh on other occassion is recepient of damning prophesies (Nahum 2:8, 3:7, Zephaniah 2:13.)

When God appears to Jonah, he sends Him to Nineveh "to cry against it," which is to declare the judgement of God against it. Jonah is not pleased, knowing how forgiving God can be to the repentant. In fact, Jonah makes alternative plans to avoid the mission altogether, so that Nineveh could finally get what they deserved(Jonah 1:3.) The insistence of God in making sure His message got to Nineveh is only testament to the prophetic significance of it. God not only moved the wind and the sea, but even the creatures in it to ensure the success of the mission.

Nineveh is a strong city in the spirit too. It has its roots in the great man Nimrod, a grandson of Cush, the son of Ham, the son of Noah(Genesis 10:8,9.) The beginning of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Nimrod was on the land of Shinah(Genesis 10:10,) out of which land also Asshur arose. Asshur built Nineveh, amongst other Cities. Out of Shinah was also the great tower of babel, from whence the tribes of the earth were scattered (Genesis 11:2, 4:9). From these beginings also sprung the Assyrian Kingdom. Over all these reigns one powerful principality in the spirit, the heritage of Nimrod(Micah 5:6.) The land of canaan was alienated from the same, and given to Israel(Genesis 9:24,25.) Canaan was the land later possessed by the Amorites among other tribes (Genesis 10:15,16, 15:16,18-25.) By executing vengeance on the gods of Egypt and seizing the high places of Canaan, Isael was able to exert power over the rest of the principalities of the earth. This is
because of the importance of Zion as a high place of Jehovah. This remains so even in the spirit. This is the significance of the spiritual over the physical.

The great thing about the prophesy of Jonah is that Nineveh actually listened, beleived, and repented (Jonah 3:5.) God responded to this turnaround by repenting of the evil He would have otherwise visited on them(Jonah 3:10). Jonah is on the other hand not amused. God reacts to his attidude with a quetion "(you have pity on a plant for which you have not laboured, neither made it grow, which came up in the night and perished in the same night, should I not spare Nineveh, that great City where there are persons that cannot discern between their right and left hand; and so much cattle? (Jonah 4:10,11.)

Jonah revealed the loving personality of God. He is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29.) Like in the days of Jonah, there is now in this age a nation that cannot discern between their right and left hand, being blinded by the gods of this world...lest they should repent and be saved(John 12:40, Romans 11:7, 2nd Corinthians 3:14, 4:14.) If now they hear the decree of judgement of God against them, and if they turned and repented, shall God not spare them?

Christ reiterated the message of Jonah in His parables. This is the message of the restoration of the prodigal son (Luke 15:1-32), a restoration also envisaged by Isaiah 65:25, where peace is restored between the wolf and the lamb, the lion is pacified and the serpent is harmless. These were previously destructive beast on the same land(Jeremiah 5:6, Daniel 7:4-6). As Christ takes over the reigns of power, the lives three out of four adversaries are prolonged (Daniel 4:11,12.) Revelation 1:7 implies a time of renewal and revelation even for the enemies of Christ, those "who pierced Him, and all the kindred of the earth..." This time comes as "...the power that deceived the nations..." Is bound for a season (Revelation 20:3.) This is the choice that our age now needs to make, to turn around in repentance, just like Nineveh, and be spared, just as Nineveh. I am confident of the success of this on the current age, being an age bought by the blood of Jesus,
and concerning which Christ said is a chosen generation. This is the generation promised a spiritual heritage of all principalities of the earth, Christ having said that all He was given, He lost none.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


This African parable is a night vision set on the land on 24th May 2013. The picture was set over the continent entirely. Wild animal were being released as if from a previous confinement program.

Their previous masters who were facilitating this release gave them a wide berth. This though did not stop the king of the wild, the lion from launching an angry offensive charge against the witness of God.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Obadiah prophesies to the Nation of Edom. Edom as a nation is the progeny of Esau, Jacobs elder brother. Edom, is Esau had the birthright of the inheritance of Canaan, which Jacob took. It is written that Esau despised his birthright, having sold it for a bowl of lentil soup. This would be likened to the parable of the prodical son, who did not appreciate His status and riches while with the father, opting to fulfil his fleshly lusts at the expense of His heritage (Luke 15). God would later express His hatred for Esaus choice(Malachi 1:2). The prophesy of Obadiah addresses in spirit a nation other than the elect, who though enjoying a certain level of favour with God, fail to appreciate their predicament and end up loosing their Heritage, like Edom would to Israel(Obadiah 1:18-21).

The mistakes of esau are replayed by His herited nation, Edom. Because of the covenant of brotherhood that existed by birth between Esau and Jacob, by extension Edom and Israel, God treated Edom with favour. As Israel proceeded against nations as they transitioned into their promise, God commanded Israel not to touch Edom(Deutronomy 2:4-6,22). The same was commanded of Lot, Abrahams nephew and companion in the call(Deutronomy 2:9 concerning Moab and Deutronomy 2:19 concerning Ammon. For being partakers with the journey of their companions, Lot and Esau had obtained favour with God, albeit on a different level with the carriers of the covenant promise.)

Edoms mistake was His forgetfulness of the shared experience and favour with his brother. Edom would not be reciprocal to the favour with which Israel treated her. Edom connived with the enemies of Israel at their time of desolation (Obadiah 1:10-14). This is not well pleasing before God. For this they lose their favour, and heritage with God, and their land is converted into additional inheritance for Jacob (Obadiah 1:8-21).

The relevance of the prophesy of Obadiah to this age is great. When Christ was born, and this age with Him, so were two nations within one dispensation. One of these principalities is a fruitful nation, bringing forth the fruit of repentance, one is not(Mat 21:38). Just as it was with Esau and Jacob, one of these two nations are possessed of the birthright of inheritance by being the first born, the other nation is a nation inferior, poor in spirit, a nation of servants. The stewards then become unfaithful keepers of a heritage entrusted to them as the master tarries in a far away land(Luke 20:1-16). The master of the heritage has a hard time getting any harvest out of them.

The principle of two nations within one calling is repeated throughout the scripture. This was a foreshadow of the current age, and of the age to come. There was Cain and Abel/Seth displaying the literaly antagonist versus protagonist. Shem(through Israel) and Ham(through Canaan) would later replay this. The covenant of brotherhood is involved in these two, Edom and Israel.

The foreshadow of the principle of the two nations within one calling is revealed in the new testament with the phrase, "many are called, few are chosen". This phrase ends the parable of the sower, conserning hearers versus hearers and doers of the word of God (Mark 4:12,24, Mark 22:22). The parable of the ten virgins is a good example of this(Mat 25:1-12). All ten virgins hear the call, and prepare for the wedding. In the company of the wise, the foolish virgins walked, until the midnight hour struck, and their lamps burnt the last drop of oil. In this hour of darkness, many lamps will burn out. The bride groom tarries.

The typo of the two nations tended side by side is continued in the parable of the wheat and tares (Mathew 13:24,25,38,39). There is a separation and distinction that comes at the end of the age.

The end of the prophesy of Obadiah is with tragedy. The heritage of Edom is converted by Israel (Obadiah 1:18, 19), to go with the phrase, to whoever has, more shall be added while to the one who does not have, even that which he has got shall be taken away (Mathew 13:12).

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Amos takes a novel approach in his expression of the prophesies of what he sees at a furure time. All the cities of Israel, in his prophesies, take a prophetic personality in his expression. These cities represent the spiritual high places that governed Israel at the time, them a scaled reflection of the principalities of the current age. This their importance in similitude to our current times. This is because at Christs triumph against the powers and rulers of our current age, He took power over the principalities of the entire age that followed, the Kingdom of Israel having been a prophetic significance of this, and of the age to come.

In the prophesy of Amos, surrounding nations are also addressed. These include Edom, Tyre, Syria, Eden and Moab.

As far as the principalities of the this world are concerned, Israel as a principality and its relationship with other powers that she interacted with can be used as a study of our current times. During the times of the torah/Law, God was writting down the future of the earth. This is not only the future of physical territories but of corresponding spiritual territories as well.

Our age was drawn out of a preceding principality by Christ through the power of His sacrifice and a new covenant. It was the function of the messenger(John the baptist) to launch this spiritual war in the heavenlies, a war that Christ finished by His descent into death, and triumph over the powers of the age. Likewise, Israel had just about two millenia before been drawn our of a powerful principality, Egypt. Just as the drawing out of Egypt was followed by laws of worship, so is the covenant of Christ, in which the law is written in our hearts by the power of the Spirit of God, and a new form of worship is introduced, worship in spirit and in truth. An inheritance of Canaan was the promise given to Israel, while at the beginning of the current age was a promise of inheritance of a kingdom - the Kingdom of God.

Through Amos speaks to our current Age, as much as He does to Israel. This is a kingdom that has erred, despised the law of God(Amos 2:4) a land full of injustice in the highplaces through its judges(Amos 2:7,8), the judges being the powers of the age, also its corrupt prophets(Amos 2:11,12). Due to all these and other shortfallings, it is time to put things back to order. All ages start with a new order and rule in the heavenly places of the land. In the time of the prophet, God initiated this end of times by raising an overpowering King, an adversary against the prevailing powers of the time(Amos 3:11).

One significant aspect of the end of the times and transition into a new age was a period of desolation, when God rejects the sacrifices / the worship of the land(Amos 5:22,23). Compare with Isaiah 43:28. The reason for this rejection is given(Amos 5:26). Idolatry mixed up with His worship. He does not share glory with the gods of this world.

The prophesy of Amos also contains vivid descriptions of the sins and of the kingdom and her people. This is in a shadow, a demonstration of the expectations of God out of His elect, and this age is in its entirety, a select age as an inheritance of Christ. An inheritance He will collect. The rigours of the law were a sketch of a more perfect dispensation, one of obedience by the power of God, and perfection by the righteousness of God.

The prophesy of Amos concludes with hope(Amos 9:8,9).Restoration and comfort shall follow the end of the times, even now in this age.

Friday, 5 July 2013


Joel prophesies to a nation in the midst of a storm, or a famine(Joel 1:4-5). This becomes the predicament of the land after another arises against them(Joel 1:6 describes the invading principality in more spiritual terms.) Joel takes a more spiritual perspective of what he sees in the future.

The prophesy of Joel is significant for this day. It pictures a time when the offering of Gods people is cut off from the house of God(Joel 1:9). Compare with Daniel 9:25. Joy is withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12) and the day of vengeance is at hand(verse 15). This refers to God's vengeance against the invading principality

Chapter two continues Joel's prophesy with further information on the nation executing the vengeance of God, refered as the execution of the word of God(Joel 2:11). These are also refered to as the heathen(Joel 2:17). The same are further refered to as the Northern army(Joel 2:20).

After a while of destruction, God turns again to His people to restore them(Joel 2:23,3:18). So shall it be for this age.

Chapter 3 of Joels prophesy concludes with a time of vengeance against the nations that held the prophetic land and its temple captive. These are nations that had ruled over Gods people in the day of the Lords vengeance. While God had just used them to execute vengeance, they too have to face the same judge and according to their dealings are they dealt with. This is the next phase in the earths dispensation.


Hosea is a book addressed to Israel as a whole, as divided between Judah in the south and what came to be refered as Israel in the North. In reference to the North, the Lord addresses a specific tribe, Ephraim. This is significant because Ephraim as a recognised tribe arose a generation after the twelve sons of Jacob who grew to become the tribes of Israel. With his brother Mannasseh, the other son of Joseph, Ephraim received a portion on the land of Canaan as a tribe in its own right.

Prophetically, Ephraim represents a generation that arises just when we think that the lot of the heritage of the house of God in its twelve principalities is already cast, divided and settled. His arrival though moves the heart of the father who draws him in and apportions him a heritage amomgst His sons. This is spiritually in reference to a specific nation, a principality born out of the land of bondage, and that finds favour before God. The nation though of a different seed than that of the sons of the promise gets a portion in the covenant and its heritage. The relationship between them and God is full of hurdles though, a lot of backsliding and falling to strange worship and deception. It was by Ephraim, the prophesy claims, that the image of jealousy was built to restrain Israel from going to Jerusalem. This idol, represented as the God who drew Israel out of Egypt led many into sin.

This nation of Ephraim in prophesy is alike in many ways to just preceded principalities of the earth. Easily deceived anf hard of hearing the nation has fallen into deception and into a season of destruction by an estranged principality. The story of Ephraim is prophetic of the story of our age, which draws to a close in the hands of an invader. All these though is not without hope, as the Lord swore salvation (Hosea 13:12-14). The same is the hope of our generation. The prophey is about a generation being baptized in fire, to sanctify it for a coming age of righteousness and glorious prosperity(chapter 14). This is our word too.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Grace is a word used to refer to a supernatural gift, earlier even used to describe pagan gods/demons called graces of the particular powers they were believed to hold, like fertility, harvest, e.t.c. Grace is not a separate entity from its source. When we therefore refer to grace from a Christian perspective we refer to God in His totality, His fulness. The fulness of God is His Son, His Spirit, the unending gifts and fruits that come out of all these and even Gods ministering spirits, the angels he has sent to the earth to minister to His people. All these make the grace of God and it is incomprehensible to men.

By gracing us with His son, God reconciles us to Himself by making us part of the body of His son. This union translates us in the spiritual realm into the Kingdom of His son, also forming a shield over us, hiding us from the reach of wicked powers to a certain extent. The next important grace we receive from God is that of His Spirit. The Spirit of God in us is a seal that declares our inheritance of the things of God. This is granted access to the richness of God, His graces. It is for this reason that Christ promised "when the spirit of God comes upon you, you shall receive power..." The Spirit of God is God in spirit form. You know someone with the Spirit of by looking out for God in Him/Her. Demons do babble a lot of vanity on the premise of speaking in tongues so this should not be the only test of a person baptized in the Spirit of God.

By dwelling in us, God is able to transform us, by association, an ever present desire, into His likeness. The more this likeness grows, the higher the level of Gods glory is. It never stops, because God is unsearchable, and His grace, greater than we know. This transforming power is also the grace of God.

A note on character/ Bahavioural change. God is working on our Character, and for us to be the change, we need to coperate with behavioural change. The character of God is more than just behaviour. Anything coming out of God, as Godly character does, is power against the powers of the Gods of this world. This is why the devil prefers to have Christians with no Gods character in them. Should you go through my reports of recent developements in the spiritual principalities of the world, you would understand why this is happening at this time with such intensity and power to influence.

The grace of God is not forceful. Do not expect God to force patience out of you, or joy, love, peace. You have to be a willing participant. This willing participation is all that the walk of faith requires, and it is also the greatest threat to the powers of darkness. This is the Kingdom of God: Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is all the church needs for the takeover of the Kingdoms of this world. It is the secret place of all the power of God. The power of God is in His character.

Like it poured down in the time of Noah is a storms in our times, this time, in the spiritual high places. It is time to hide in the ark, then a boat fashioned to give protection to all who would believe, the Lord has become our Ark through faith. It is in this ark that we need to stay untill the stormy season has passed. Keep yourself in the quiet presence of God. This is the presence of God: righteousness, peace joy in the HolyGhost. Right now, these are scarce virtues, so hold on to what you have. Avoid the storm by staying in the presence of God. One sure way of remaining in this protective grace is by maintaining a Godly character. Avoid contentions, which are a threat to your peace. Avoid taking offence and losing your joy. Allow the works of righteousness to flow out of you even when it is not convenient. All these shield against the powers of darkness in a season of storm. Hide away any buttons that can be pushed and be ware of doctrines that
lure you out of the protective hedge.

Incase you were caught offguard already and you are swimming in the storm, remember God is your shield. Get back into the hedge of protection by submission to God and waiting for His counsel. Never go to war without power. The power is only in the counsel of God, not men and sometimes their misleading hype. This may take time, or it may be almost immediate, depending on the individual. Get rid of all fear and anxiety and if prayer seems unanswered, cry out to God. Love all men too. Including your enemies.

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