Saturday, 31 August 2013


Zechariah's prophecy is  in the second phase of Israel's captivity. At the time, Israel was partially being restored. This time saw a lot of animosity too from people who were not pleased at the new found status of Israel. Related to our age, we do live in a similar dispensation, especially in the spirit. Now our warfare shifted to the spirit at the onset of Christ on the world in flesh, as it is written, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Like in Zechariah's times of prophesy, when the principality and glory of Babylon was split between two powers, Media and Persia. Cyrus the Median King decreed the first return to rebuild Jerusalem. In the same reign arose the Prophet Nehemiah, Ezra ,and Haggai who led the people of God to rebuild the desolate temple. Spiritually the current atmosphere of the Kingdoms of this world is a replica of this prophecy's.

Jerusalem is more than a city. It is the center of power for Israel, which earlier under Solomon and David had been lords over the surrounding kingdoms. The name Jerusalem translates to "city of peace," which in essence is the principality of Christ. Even Christ has His eyes on possession of the same. Spiritually, Jerusalem signifies a lot more. For this reason, when her King was born, so was a star in the heavens, which caught the attention of the Kings of the East, the first to pay homage to Christ, therefore referred to as "wise." Thus had a new King of Jerusalem had been born. But He said, "my kingdom is not of this world..." His Kingdom is of a different realm. Another principality of peace that Jerusalem surrounded.The Kingdom of God has increased in stature. Like yeast in dough, a mustered seed in fertile soil, the Kingdom expands. It is hidden in the simplicity of the hearts of men. He said, the Kingdom (of God) is within us.As an age draws near a turnaround, just as Israel drew to exile, with the rise of an imposing power for purposes of correction (Zechariah 1:4-6) provision is set for them to last in the captivity for a set period of time as their land holds a sabbath denied. As soon as the brief moment of captivity is fulfilled, an order to rebuild comes forth, as it did in the days of the prophet. The sword of the Babylonian heritage still reigned over the land and its people. This is our season.

Zachariah's prophesy introduces the angels of the season (Zechariah 1:8,10). The are the principles appointed to march the principalities of the powers of darkness that are also released for the specific time, the four kings (Zechariah 1:18, compare Daniel 7.) Their purpose is, as put, "to trouble the heathen,"(Zechariah 1:15, 21) and to facilitate the restoration of Jerusalem (Zechariah 1:16.)

Chapter 3 of the prophesy reveals the state of the tabernacle of God in the spirit. At the time of the prophesy, Joshua was the high priest of the temple of God. Translated to spirituality, the prophet speaks to an age of darkness, when the state of the temple leaves little to be desired. The clothes of the high priests are filthy in his vision (Zechariah 3:3.) Historically, Israel is still in captivity, but with grace to rebuild the temple. This is a reference to iniquity, a product of accusations of the devil (Zechariah 3:1,) which accusations are disabled by the justification of God(Zechariah 3:1.) He gives an angel charge over him, a result of restoration and change of season. This justification and change of season shall be accomplished in the same manner in this age too, for the priesthood of God bound by accusations, for which reason we have an advocate in Christ, referred to as "the branch (Zechariah 3:8,9,) Christ shall come with power to justify. This is how righteousness shall be able to reign in the millennial reign of Christ: justification and the binding of the accuser (Revelation 12:10.) Like the Revelation of John, the prophet Zechariah has left crucial parts of his prophesies unsealed, leaving a lot of room for comparison of the two. The similarities are uncanny and increase in the last chapters.

Saturday, 24 August 2013


The prophet Haggai, his work being prophetic of this time, is concerned with the rebuilding of the temple of worship. Remember that previous prophets had spoken of a defiling and subsequent desolation of the temple. We have refered severally to the draught in the land as a result when not a famine of food but of the word, of love, of joy, of peace visits the earth. We have also refered to the replacement of the sacrifices of God with an abomination, iniquity. After a season has passed after these occurrences, the temple must be rebuilt. This is the calling of the prophet Haggai.

The work of Haggai comes after both Israel to the North and Judah to the South had been taken captive. So were the treasures of the temple. A decree would later proceed from Cyrus the Median King, that paved way for the reconstruction of the City of Jerusalem. A portion of the children of Israel returned for this purpose. The rest remained in the land of captivity. So did Jerusalem, though the occupiers would be in their Godly heritage. As Haggai is sent to the returnees, they had rebuilt the city, and refurbished their own repossessed houses(Haggai 1:4.)

Being still subject to the Medo-Persian empire, Jerusalem did not know it was feasible for them to reconstruct the destroyed and desolate temple, and that God woul honour it on dedication to His worship. The prophet comes to tell Jerusalem, in our case the sons of peace, the sons of God fulfil this calling, important in the preparation of the people for a coming age when the Messiah is about to be revealed. At the coming of Christ, the reign of power had moved from Media/Persia, to Greeks, and to Romans. It is the Romans that oversaw the birth of the new age. This is significant for our time. We should not wait to feel good to do good. We should start making preparations for the coming age by rebuilding the temple of God. Now we do not worship in a building with animal sacrifices. We worship in spirit and truth. We worship with righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. We worship with love, patience, longsuffering, godliness, hope, faith. We should
not wait for these to flow, being that the world holds us captive. Rather do good without getting weary, and we are rebuilding the temple that has been wasted. We are raising up the walls, moulding vessels and preparing for its priesthood, to offer sacrifices well pleasing to God.

I would liken this prophetic season of preparation to the calling of John the baptist, said to come in the spirit and power of Elijah. His ministry preceded Christ. His mantra was "...prepare the way, for the Kingdom of God is coming..." John was preparing for the new order that Christ introduced in simplicity: love the lord your your neighbour as your self. This is the principle from which all the law and the prophets hang. Christ opened up the law, having been a foreshadowing of what was to come. Within the laws hid love, joy, justice, mercy, peace, patience, righteousness, godliness, truth, among other gifts offered out of the spirits of men as opposed to the flesh. This was the new order introduced by Christ. These are also the same areas under attack by the principalities, powers and rulers of this age(Ephesians 6:12). This is the simplicity behind which the power of God is hidden.

We are in a season of captivity as a generation, under the powers of this age. Like Israel, there is therefore not much glory to adorn the temple (Haggai 2:3.) God understands this too, but assures that in His sight, it is not an issue. He is about to shake the heavens, the earth and the sea (Haggai 2:6.) This is where the requisite glory for the completion of the house is coming from (remember how God spoiled Egypt for the treasures that adorned the first temple in the wilderness. He gave favour to Israel before Egypt that whatever they asked, of their precious things, they were given.) The prophet Haggai prepares the nation for this work of God. God says that the glory of the later temple shall superceed that of the former(solomons temple) (Haggai 2:7-9.) That it did. Also note the interesting way in which this promise of God was fulfilled. The same is true for our time too. While the temple may be desolate, it is time to rebuild, and to wait for God
to glorify it. He will when he spoils the gathered nations. The coming glory will be greater, the temple more glorious. This is the restoration of worship we have seen in many prophets, the restoration of peace, joy and perfect love upon the land. The restoration of His temple, a house we all are part of. Rebuild the desolate temple, Haggai says to our generation.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


The prophesy of Zephaniah begins dramatically, with a threat of vengeance to man and beast. Even the fish in the sea is not excused from this sword (Zephaniah 1:3.) He punctuates this with a story of a banquet in the midst of the war "...The lord has prepared a sacrifice, He has bid His guests..."(Zephaniah 1:7,) which is comparable to the feast foreseen by the prophet John, called "the supper" (Revelation 19:17,18.) This seems to refer to a victory and spoiling (Zephaniah 1:13) against the enemies of the chosen nation.

The description of the meats served in the banquet is as drastic as that of the prophesy of John, the revelation, both being a foresight of the same events in different realms, times and settings. This is why these ancient prophesy of Zephaniah is important, the other prophets of God too. The word of God is not confined to a particular time, and this is an efficient way of judging prophesy. The word of God/ His prophesies transend ages/generations. This is why all prophets should not be ignored, so long as they are proven true. What God speaks to the nations in flesh, He speaks to powers and principalities in the spirit.

One thing notable about all prophesy, both ancient and recent is the urgency with which they are delivered to be performed. The day of vengeance was very near in prophet Zephaniah's generation, and even more so to our generation. The last supper is about to be served once again. Of course there is a call to repentance, or else the vengeance would not be justified. God in this prophesy pledges punishment against "the gods of this world..."(Zephaniah 2:1-11). Now the gods of this earth are the same powers principalities and rulers with which we wrestle, as opposed to flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12.) The weapons of war are also not carnal (not guns, bombs, chemical or neclear or any other man made weapon. Mostly because these are designed to harm men, not gods and spiritual powers.) The similitude of the overbearing lion and evening wolf is used, as animals are used to symbolize spiritual powers in other prophetic texts(compare Daniel 7). The polution of
the sanctuary is also a trait of this offending power (Zephaniah 3:4.)

In Zephaniah 3:8, The LORD reveals His purpose; the season of bediegement, war, pressure round about and animosity from many kingdoms is set them up for a great triumph. God through Zephaniah implores His people to wait. The counter offensive should wait, until the right time, when counsel for war is present. Several times in the days of the judges and kings of Israel, Israel confronted their enemies witout counsel from God and they were defeated before their enemies. This happened with Ai. On the other hand, war fought with counsel from God to go ahead were succesful, despite being out numbered, outsized and so forth. This is the secret of the counsel of God - it is power to war. What a word for this season, generation, and age.

When God triumphs over His enemies, worship in His temple shall be restored (Zephaniah 3:9.) So will peace (Zephaniah 3:13,) and Joy (Zephaniah 3:14,) all characteristic of the Kingdom of God.

(All references to the King James Version of the Bible)

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Habakkuk is a prophet whose word stars with the distinction between good and evil. Habakkuk discerns the time concerned, also our times. He reflects on the failure of justice in the high places of the land. This wisdom brings sorrow. There is for the same reason, a prophesy of vengeance against them, or rather, the heathen. Habakkuk reiterates the prophesy of his predecessors, that a nation shall be lifted up, which principality shall be used to recompense the land for its evil works(Habakkuk 1:6.) These are called "the Chaldeans." The prophet employs a lot of similitudes to reveal the identity of the aggressive powers(Habakkuk 1:8-11.) Their identity is comparable to the powers seen by Daniel(chapter 7.) Among other similar references.

The invasive nation is ordained to carry out the judgement of God, the prophet Habakkuk teaches(Habakkuk 1:12.) This concept can also be deduced from the psalms of David, refered to as Kings(Psalms 2:2.) The prophet intercedes for the invaded nation. The spoiler will of course, be spoiled too according to his own sword(Habakkuk 2:8.) Also prophesied is a time of an overflow of the glory of God that shall follow thereafter(Habakkuk 2:14.)

The terrible king (the invasive nation) of the last day shall disregard even the gods of his fathers, and disregard the worship and offering given to God. He replaces the daily sacrifice with an abomination (which is basically the swapping of true spiritual worship-the required sacrifice, with iniquity-iniquity is an abomination. All these he does to capture glory for his own pride of self. Habakkuk calls this king an idolater-one who turns the works of the flesh into an object of worship. The prophet confronts and rebukes this power.

Chapter three of the prophets message continues in mourning, and discovers the hour of darkness from a different angle, that of God and His holy angels. He demonstrates the happenings in the heavens during this difficult time upon the principalities of the land. It reveals the hand of God in the season. The entire creation, he says, is facing Gods indignation.

The prophesy of Habakkuk draws to an end with an assurance of the provision of strength for those that still have their trust in God Habakkuk 3:17-19. He also refers to a famine in the days, similar to a famine referenced by other prophets (Joel 1:12). The prophesy of Habakkuk is, targeted to our time, a revelation of a transitional point in the ages, where a chosen generation is baptised in fire, in preparation for a more glorious future, our time too.

(References to the King James Version of the Bible)


Nahum's prophesy, like Jonah's is for Nineveh. He prophesies and reveals another side of Gods kindness or being. Here we see God as a judge who proceeds to execute His judgements. We experience His wrath(Nahum 1:6). Jonah on the other hand reveals the the merciful, forgiving and loving kindness of God. God also through His prophet Nahum addresses a separate kind of people within the principality, a people caught up in the times of difficulty that the nation must go through (Nahum 1:7). They receive comfort despite the prevailing conditions. Compare with Isaiah 60:2: "...for behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee."

Like with other prophets, God also reveals to Nahum the sword that He shall use to accomplish His purpose. As is with previous prophets, it is a nation. As has been the prophesies, this would be followed up by judgement upon the adverserial nation, and restoration(Nahum 1:13) for what He(God) would call His people.

The prophesy of Nahum is sealed by cross reference to severall principalities sharing the same fate. Judah, Israel, Jacob, all corresponding principalities. So is Assyria(Nahum 3:9), used as in direct reference to Nineveh. Now Assyria and Nineveh all stem from the same root, that land of Shinah, all seed of Nimrod the great man of the earth(refer to the prophesy of Jonah). Spiritually, these all have one power and principality ruling over them.

A huge portion of Nahum's prophesy is dedicated to lamentation. The prophet mourns all the darkness and spoiling that the land goes through. He gives away some of the situations prevailing at the hour of darkness. He also mourns for the wrath that shall thereafter be visited on Nineveh, for the aggression against Jacob.

Friday, 16 August 2013


The prophesy of Micah singles out two rival cities, Samaria and Jerusalem. Micah addresses the entire Earth through these two cities(Micah 1;2,3). He prophesies of impending judgement even to the high places of the earth. This refers to principalities. Thus the prophet shifts his prophesy into spiritual high places as well. Most prophets associate mountains (which in the past made great placements for castles and forts) with the spiritual powers over certain places/nations. Most shrines were located in the high places too. This remains true for communities that openly practice idolatry in the current times.

According to the prophet, while Judah would seem to have been the law abiding child of Israel, especially after the transgression of the North, they had turned even the good temple into a god in itself (Micah 1:5). This is not a strange concept. It is a fact that the line between admiration and worship is very thin. Even a good thing can be misused. Judah did cross this line. This had the eventual effect that though they had all the trappings of the law and religion, they were not, in the spirit, any different from the North, which made an idol in defiance and called it their god. For this reason, both the kingdoms earn a rebuke, and a warning of an impending doom at the same breath(Micah 1:12, 3:12). The same is also a true comparison between the church and the world today.

Micah, in his prophesy, oscillates between the physical and the spiritual, casually referring to both at the same time. This is a seal that creates a challenge in the study of the book.

Like the rest, the prophesy of Micah deals with restoration after the impending destruction(Micah 4:1), specifically of the mountain of God. He also prophesies a coming reign of a supernatural peace that will follow after the restoration(Micah 4:3.) Micah 4:8-13 is a synonym of our current time. Therein is the long awaited Kingdom of God over the earth and the birth pangs preceding, the tribulation and bondage under the yoke of Babylon, from which deliverance is promised. Micah 8:11 prophesies of of the famed rising of many nations against the elect. He refers to their aim as to defile Zion. As is the end of the stories in other prophesies, the gathering of the nations in the end works to their disadvantage. This is unfortunate predicament is referred to as the prepared feast before the elect nation. Compare:

Revelation 19:17 
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

Chapter 5 of the prophesies continues with the picture of the hour of darkness. There is too a mystery of seven shepherds and eight principal men (Probably a reference to princes, as in angels of the status of the cherubim, Micah 5:5,6) who are raised specifically for the hour of darkness, this hour. Their purpose is to visit the sword upon the the offending nations. Chapter 6 of the prophesy is God reasoning with His people. It is not about the sacrifice of cattle, which the people did religiously. It is about justice, love, mercy and humility before God(Verse 8). All these are what all the law foreshadows. These are the true living sacrifices. These sacrifices we can now offer in our spirit, and are required.

As most prophets do, Micah ends with hope. The hope is the power/ability of God to forgive(Micah 7:18). The days of redemption from the powers of this age shall be like the days of the redemption of Israel from Egypt(Micah 7:15). For the same Egypt is a sign. The prophet Micah thus says to this generation.

(All references made are to the King James version of the Bible.)

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