Wednesday 29 May 2013


The word of God fits perfectly into His seasons. So long as the earth remains there will be seasons(Prov 3). The rule of the seasons is that sunshine and darkness have their time, and usher the rest of the seasons. False prophesie especially are easily picked out if they fall out of the season. This also falls under lying. Every stroke of the word of God shall come to pass too, and the word of a prophet should not fail to conform to His word. 


Many times it is important to consider a wide variety of spiritual tests and scripture is a good basis for making conclusions. It is good to apply several tests to ensure one is not wrongly judged. The following form a collection of spiritual tests or scriptural bases of testing spirits. It is by no means an exhaustive list. Who is the gift aiding? Is Christ present(in character of acknowledgement), Is is against Christ, is a blatant lie. Some spiritual manifestation or apparitions seek worship. Holy angels refused worship in scripture. Moses, whom I consider a great prophet was never worshiped. Humility also tells alot about a persons state of mind, whether it is submitted to God or not.

The manifestation of the Spirit of god is given for the profit of all(1ST Cor 12: 3). It is not for self glorification. God resists the proud, so a proud shepherd must prove who is behind His works, with God resisting him/her. It is also not to break the sheep, making them vulnerable for the devil. In such an instance, the person is clearly playing for the other team. This test can be done by watching the end result of a prophesy, a word of knowledge, e.t.c. If it is a selfish end of usury watch.

Sessions that leave people anxious, fearfull, vulnerable, down, even digging up pasts that are inconsequential e.t.c should be questioned. They digress the fellowship from the race. Its just not Gods style. Watch out to ensure the material being builded on your spiritual foundation, your first love, is not inferior(1 Cor 3:11-13). Some times, we stumble upon these destructive paths. Being inferior material, it cannot stand the fire of the holy Spirit. Thats how to get out of such bondage.

If any one does not have the Spirit of Christ, He is not His(Rom 8:9). Many doctrines dispute the Godliness of Christ, and never invite Him to their Hearts. Unless one has Christ He cannot be a true prophet,etc. His SPIRIT DWELLS IN MEN(Jn 14:23, Heb 3:6) This scriptural test seeks to gauge the presence of Christ in ones spirit.

All Prophets give witness to Christ. Any witness that is against Christ is false(Acts 10:43). If the Spirit confesses that Jesus is God come in the flesh, was crucified and died, and arose, then its from God. This is the test of the witness given by the spirit.

A true witness delivers souls, a deceitful witness speaketh lies(prov 14:25).You can only notice a lie if you know the truth. pursue knowledge. The most common lies involve the powers of darkness. there are ridiculous stories like, I used to be a witch, I went to hell where I saw a factory.. was given some blood in a bowl to drink...we gave a human sacrifice.. i turned into a flie... The bible is clear that the devil is full of mischief, therefore some things will come at you as though they are of God, just to have you in fear, which is always the result of such stories. The other is giving a prophesy that is out of season. for this, wisdom to know the seasons is key. Prophesies out of the season never get fulfilled. It could be a word of peace in a time of trouble. Thats a lie. I feel the same about the more recent tales of "Illuminati". Sure. A witch does not need a cult to be one.

Holy messengers of God- Men or Angels will never accept the worship of men. The direct the worship to God(Judges 13:6) Rebellious Angels/Demons on the other hand like to be worship. Most of the gods of this world are such. Infact, the word idols was used interchangeably with Demons(Acts 17:16) in earlier versions of the scripture. The is a sudden rush to the Greek god(desses) in the modern society, especially noted amongst the modern feminists, who go as far as to worship such in the name of women empowerment. This is a mischievous entanglement of demonic powers into a movement.

During worship with the sons of darkness1 Cor 5:13(to be distinguished from the lost sheep,) yokes are built(2nd Cor 6:14). This is unlike the anointing of the priesthood of Christ that comes in a fellowship of believers  which is liberating(Lk 4:18-19)It frees the bonded. This is one way of telling apart the annointing, whether its form God or the Devil.

With the lowly is wisdom(prov 11:2) would you take direction from a foolish man? Measure the amount of wisdom in a man by his/her level of humility, KNOWING THAT THE FAVOR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM(Prov 8:13, 9:10.) The level of humility is also a good pointer of maturity in the things of God. 


No one Speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus Accursed...
...and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit of God.(1ST Cor 12:3). This means that a spirit that is not from God will refer to Christ as a demon, which is what the pharisees had done. There are diverse ways in which one can call Jesus accursed, other than just being overt. If you call a child a son of the devil, aren't you referring to his father as the devil? It is therefore important to have tested and tried all we have misgivings about thoroughly before declaring them accursed (bedeviled.) 


There are many enumerated points of discernment of spiritual matters in the bible. One very important, and more common form of discernment or the testing of spirits, also more commonly ignored, is the wells, or springs flowing out of the spirit of an individual. Also refered to as the "vibe", "intuition," or "feeling,"etc, this is one of the most commonly available form of spiritual gift in men. This discernment happens on a spiritual level and is therefore easy to ignore.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


All dispensations have an angel to bring to accomplishment the purposes of God. Angels are engineered to take orders. The current dispensation was from Christ, and is running the last leg.

They are servants of God and the word of their master is their command. Call them the custodians of the law. In fact, its written that the Leviticus laws were give by the hand of the angels. When Israel received the law, God stepped back a pace and left His angel in charge. But not without a warning- Beware of his presence, and be obedient to the law(Exodus 22). The importance of this warning would later be seen as the punishments for the least of the laws would result in mass burials.  The same legal regimes are found in other communities worldwide as the principalities of this age are still under the gods of the age.

Once you chose the paths of the law you transfer to the rule of the angels and they know no mercy, just the word, the law. This explains the harshness of the levitical laws and sharia, also laws of the earlier civilizations. The law needs faith to access the power of the covenant of Christ. In the book of Hebrews, which deals with the difference between the two covenants of Moses and of Christ, we learn that the physical actions based law of Moses led to physical inheritance(of the nations) while the new covenant which laws are spiritual in nature, lead to a spiritual heritage. This is a more superior heritage as it is eternal. 

The new spiritual law stars with belief in God. This difference was in the shadows of the old covenant represented by the veil which was torn down as soon as Christ descended to the dark places of the earth to make a looting out of them. The loot was the new glory, the new gifts which of it is written He left with men. This had been the glory beyond the veil of the temple. It is also the cherubim of the ark of the covenant who immediately were released for the service of the new covenant. This is the power of the saintsin the current age.

 Dependence on works of law without the spirit results to a greater accusation by law. There are times, in the middle of spiritual warfare, when the best thing to do is find a distraction, which takes your mind off trying to fight off the devil by your own power. Fallen Angels take advantage of this efforts of the flesh. Praying to/for a release of "angelic protection" is not necessary. All humanity has Angels keeping charge of them-from the womb. Assigned as God wills its important to trust in his judgement. Even for the sons of darkness are fallen angels assigned to them, for the same reason. They just don't play fair. For this reason, yielding to the seal of grace, the promise of the new covenant is important for the sake of the angels. It gives the angels of light (the angel of the covenant) a basis for vouching for you even in shortfalls or unjust accusations by the devil, and its also the power of God unto salvation from all things.


God gives power to some to become His sons so be thankful if you have seen light. In this age, not all can, but in the coming age of righteousness, all will see Christ for who He is, and offer sacrifices to Him accordingly. Those chosen have their spiritual eyes open to see and receive the gospel. Others are blinded-"by the gods of this world." This Grace is a seal. It speaks to Angels and to men as to the authority watching over the souls of men. Another expression for grace is power. This is the anointing of God.


It is impossible to be full of darkness and also of the Holy Spirit thus darkness has no fellowship with light. The Sons of light are lighted in their spirits. This is the lighting of the lamp that the savior spoke of in his parable. The light is placed on an open place to light up the whole house and therefore its visible even to men. This light is put forth by a fire that precedes the filling of the Spirit of God, to consume them as a yielded sacrifice constantly before God. Light identifies the sons of God, the sons of light and its the mark of belonging, a seal.

Darkness is a seal-for the sons of darkness. They are baptized into the works of darkness and therefore they emanate darkness and also as a mark of belonging. When the sons of light are not yet saved, they are still sealed, to avoid corruption. These were the target group of the disciples commission by their teacher("if there be a son of peace in the house...'). Its the essence of the idea of predestination. A lot of humanity is born already corrupted, also referred to as the generation of Cain, others chosen from the womb. It was this corruption that would not allow God to receive Cains sacrifice. The same thing is demonstrated by the friends of Job, who would later have to offer sacrifice to God through Job as God would no accept their sacrifice. Its why God can say "I chose you" or "I loved you first." He does whatsoever He wills. 


The fire tests everything, consumes chaff and leave fine, pure gold. Its also testing the materials with which we are all being built up to a living house, a temple. The materials that can go through the fire remain. Its actually a good thing to pray for for one seeking a real baptism. Not always felt but there all the same.

The Spirit of God works hand in hand with fire. In the dedication of Solomon's temple, fire fell, then the presence of God. It prepares the way. No wonder one of the signs of the two witnesses of the last days is they call down fire to reign upon Kingdoms that rise against them(Revelation). This is consequently followed by an annihilation of the Kingdom of darkness, and the entrenchment of the messianic rule in the following age.

Fire is a purifier, and will precede the coming reign of righteousness.


A seal is mark of belonging, an identity. Sometimes its a representation of somebody's right to use-and abuse. It can also be a lid, to prevent contamination or tampering - to preserve purity and sanctity. Our covenant with God has a seal, a spiritual one. The glory of God is a seal. So is each and every one of His words concerning a person. Angels can also be referred to as seals.

Cain was sealed after his punishment. He was bright enough to realize that Gods damnation would expose him to destruction, and at his request pleading God put a seal on him, so no man could kill him. This was a covenant of some level of protection even in his newly acquired animal-like status.

Monday 20 May 2013


7/6/12 sighting 
A red fire-like horse (seem to be attached to the horseman) on a chase against all the greatmen/rulers of the earth. All seem they were being rounded up, heading into a specific place, all in fear of the horseman and at war with each other at the same time.

Considering the happenings, use the many prophets of the bible to figure out the times we are living in, and to acknowledge the power of the hand of God over these matters. 


I believe this was a personified power of darkness. It came a t around the time of a series of take overs over the principalities of the earth. 

A tussle in the south in what seem like a castle. A new more powerful queen sought to displace a local one. She lost the first round and came again, over powered the castle and occupied it and displace the earlier ruler.


This happened in the middle of great bondage, deep in the midst of a season of heavy warfare and imprisonment. This is a description of a principality taking power over the land.

March 3/3/2012
Spiritual wars go on as new spirits are let lose from a dark abyss - sort of a hollow in the earth. They look shadowy, dark  shadows of some men of stature. They are ancient, lean rulers, emaciated from what seemed a a long time being dead and buried. Like they had not eaten for ages(rulers tend to be heavily built). They were of a considerably large number. Not too many.


27/1/11 record.
Heavy warfare in the greater kingdom of the south. This was also the first sighting of the new King of a spiritual place called Babylon, as he followed the sword with an imposition of himself over the lands, many smaller kingdoms of the south too. This trouble went on and impacted specific nations even in the natural world. The relation of the new King and the subdued has been of constant revolt and imposition. The south bears a greater scourge of this battle because greater power has been given to the new king.

Writers take: Noted is significant battles between the North and South. One is an ancient. I believe this is a demonstration of a power struggle, but it does not mean one is good, for they are both powers of darkness, though one is destined to be bound eventually for a season, and for the rest to continue, also for a season.


Sighting 9/1/10
This was a narration about Africa. Along time ago, when the earth was yet fertile, the rain was not held back, and to moisten the whole land, a river passed through its length to water the land. But the land was shaken, rivers changed courses, and in the place of the river became a dry, infertile and unproductive valley. In this same valley are built cities of rebellion. Now the times are coming to a fullness and there will be another change. The river will flow again, the fertility of the land will return, and the flow will be so mighty, the places of occupation by the rebellious in its way will be swept away, some submerged, those built upon the riverbed.

This is a parable about Africa. It concerns one of the most spiritually significant high places of the earth.


Recorded, 30/12/09
In the heavens again, not sure what the beings these were exactly, but most likely angels,  a witness referred to and knew them as gods. Though in the likeness of men, their statures varied according to the authority and powers they exuded. They were holy. Another, evil and smaller, but powerful appeared to contend against these, and to provoke them to war. 

The greatest here of the holy ones attempted to stop him, but he got away. He was skilled in battle too, and went to get the rest of his evil warriors to make war. This would come in a later period, but it would be felt in the physical realm. The specific time was unspecified. Meanwhile, the holy gods departed to take care of some of them, which were children who could not fight. They were taking them to a secure place, away from harm. There a supernatural power would shield them.

Writers take
This was a preparation of the season as is now upon the earth. Since the time powers have changed hands, new kings appointed, and great demotion of many mighty men. A greater battle that has been is about to take place and it is important to stay put within the good grace of God, The hiding place away from the strife of men.


Recorded in the year 2005,date and month unrecorded.
This was the first wave of the flood gate of the sword of the Spirit of God upon the spiritual Kingdoms of this world.

The dream started with a report watched through a news channel, followwed by an urgency to go to the same place. But the urgency was fuelled by a need to encounter God being sure that the power was pouring down from Him.


Africans, Indios, and many Eastern and many ancient communities refer to ancient spirits of their forefathers as ancestral spirits. These are actually powers of darkness or rulers.  Refer to their structure of government

The structures connect to people on the physical world through bloodlines and a system of covenant that is adhered to, for example in Africa, through ceremonial sacrifices and covenanting with the same. Some of these communities have overtime managed to keep several spiritual ages alive, and subsequently, collected some spiritual powers. The most notorious of these is Africa, Where there are many ancients. These rulers keep territory too, especially those inhabited by their hosts.


  1. In the spiritual world(dreams, prophesies, visions), powers/principalities are represented by animals. For the powers of darkness, there will be use of serpents, dogs, actually most of the animals, including some that are not in existence. To represent the powers of God, scriptures and prophets have on ocassion used the lion, the lamb, with His angels adorning the faces of some animals too, for example in Ezekiel's visions, among others.These are rarely seen, unlike the powers of darkness which will wander alot. The mark of powers of darkness is engagement in vanity with no particular order. The power of an animal is hidden in its character. In the same way the power of God is known by its character. This is the best point of discernment.


  1. God is seated above all principality,  power. He is the Lord of Hosts, which means the lord of all spiritual beings, and so they(all spiritual things) owe their power to Him. All Angels, be they fallen or not, have to bow in the presence of God.
  2. Power is represented in the scripture as wine. Wine taken uncontrollably has properties of overcoming the control of the drinker. So does spiritual power, if taken without reason, which is what the rulers of this world do by theft. This is what they(the thieves) come to steal. 
  3. Servants of God receive power as the need arises, seasonally. This is actually one of the works of faith, another fruit, and gift of the Spirit. It draws power out of God by creating a necessity according to the need. The power of God will hang around for a limited time. It does not mean that the gift goes with it. Gifts of God given to men are irrevocable. These gifts work through the power of God, which is stored in heaven (store your treasures in heaven where moth cannot eat, or thieves steal.) 
  4. Thieves are the sons of darkness, the principalities of this world that will strip it off as soon as they get the chance, so use it for its purpose, according to your spiritual gift. Lingering with the power of God for too long will make it fly away before accomplishing its purpose. This is why the annointing of God is likened to a flowing river. There are other times that the power may stay on for days, even months, depending on the assignment it carries. Speaking of assignments, God empowers His ministering angels for an appointed work, or a counsel and the angels are more of extensions of the principalities, or powers that they carry.
  5.  Engaging in the use of the power of God as a source of a feel-good kind of thing for men of God is dangerous as it puffs up the self. Self is the operating module of the devil, and once puffed-up, well, prepare for war. This is corruption of the water of the well flowing out of the children of God, an enemy working from the inside, so to say. The thorn in the flesh kind of situation arises like this. The wicked are usually drunk for all of the seasons. To them it is always time for party, revelings, indulgence(wickedness), and wicked spiritual power is at the center of this. 
  6. The greatness and intensity of their power varies according to the extent of indulgence with the gods/powers of this world. There are actually folk whose power can be felt yards away. Some are mistaken for ministers of God, for their ability to perform miracles. The greater the indulgence with the works of darkness, especially so on a spiritual level, the greater the increase in their spiritual powers. For example, a temple of an idol would have a warm presence that would seem to be redidual at the venue so long as it is revered by its worshippers. These are the same powers at war with the Kingdom of God. I have heard preachers comment that they were always "drunk with the power of god." It is not advisable. For this reason, it is important to search the spirits of all men before getting yoked to them in the many ways that we do, like fellowships. Don't drink from this wells/powers of darkness. They are corrupt waters.


  1. All power belongs to God. The power of God is the sum total of His being which is all He has given to men as gifts. The power of God is also His glory, for this reason, the marks of His presence are His character- love, peace, joy, and all the fruits of His Spirit.
  2. Its the gift of the land, the bread that feeds all, both Kings, princes, men and rulers.
  3. Jesus is a prince, the prince of the principality of peace, which means a spiritual Kingdom operating by the strength of peace. This is the character of His power. The gifts of God work through the fruits of the spirit of God. 
  4. A word of advise, or a word of wisdom from a servant of God would be laced with love, peace, joy, give patience, longsuffering, instil Godliness e.t.c(the gifts of the Spirit of God), while that coming form an unGodly spirit, not necessarily person, would be irritating, depressing, angering, basically attacking like a sword - even if coming from a pulpit. These tend to be more prevalent in times of spiritual vulnerability or war


  • Gifts of God.
These are without repentance(He does not take them away at any time). They are:
  1. His Son (Jn 3:16,Jn 4:10)
  2. His Spirit (Acts 8:20)
These three are one.

Due to the nature of God, whatever he gives is not an end to itself. So His gifts give on:


Flesh versus spirit  is actually the best clue of differentiating between true worshipers  and untrue worshipers, whose worship is an abomination before God. Flesh(wicked spirit) is discerned spiritually. The opposite of worship is witchcraft or rebellion, which is the committal of abominations in the face of God. This is the continual offering that flows out of the spirits of the sons of darkness before God. Righteousness is the only acceptable form of worship. 

Righteousness is a gift and is now attained by faith, as Abraham did many years before. This is true baptism by dipping into Jesus Christ Himself, the living waters. This Kind is permanent, as it is a gift from God, and His gift are of no repentance. 


There have been previous ages but the current is the most blessed. It has witnessed the birth of a messiah at its beginning. The way was prepared by Elijah, promised to prepare the way again for the coming age. When the times were fulfilled, the Word of God was sent to earth. The living waters,  Christ, was to baptise an entire generation into righteousness;
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"(John 3:16)


Baptism simply means dipping, as per the earlier uses of the language.The Genesis of water Baptism is in the levitical law. It was cleansing ceremony performed on the congregation, on the priests and Levites, to provide for them accessibility to God. The cleansing was done with water, contained in the brass laver. This was before the name of Jesus was given to men by which we are now empowered to ask anything from God. One of the things to ask for, is righteousness. Which in turn is a gift

By the baptism, the ancients attained a cleansed disposition before God. Priests and Levites had a basin, or a laver, for washing before entering the holy places. For the cleansing of the entire congregation, a pigeon was held under running waters and this resulting purity symbolically transfered to the congregation. This was a form of baptism by water, conducted symbolically on behalf of the entire congregation. 

Monday 13 May 2013


There are always moments of glory even within the heaviest seasons of spiritual attacks(This one being one of them.) God always provides breaks, like a lull in the eye of a storm, to enable some time to re-energize. This is the time of glory, when for a while, God glorifies man. The glory of men(as referred to in the psalms) sings.

Some of us are imprisoned, and you can feel the season of war. When God releases His Glory, Which is His power, You may also feel a song rising from your belly, sometimes its a time of peace, a word of God or an Idea to start wielding the sword of the spirit in battle.  The idea may come without a word, and if so, use the word of God, with the prophets and the psalms being my favorite. Either way, do not be too drunk in wine(the good feeling of the glory) and forget to harvest as the glory of God is plenty and His angels are prepared for war. Some times it is just a time to stock up to the rest of the season. It depends on the availed counsel from God.

This is a battle for the Kingdoms of this world,(Daniel 7, the saints take over from the powers of darkness and righteousness reigns,) so expect drastic changes in the spiritual atmosphere when the victory will be finalized. Watch and wait for this coming moment of glory, a greatly prophetic moment, as it will be a sword in your hand and an opportunity enter greater glory.


The progress of demonic possession or influence may happen on laying of hands, on indulgence in fellowship(which is the sharing of spiritual things, good or bad), or in a breakdown of the peace of mind(most likely caused by over indulgence in negativity, a very effective power of darkness), which is why depression, abnormal anxiety and fear is on many occasion followed by schizophrenia.

Powers of darkness first attack the fruits of the spirit of God in your life. Peace, joy, hope, patience...replacing them with emptiness, and the negative ones which are powers that will need to be cast out. An important information is that this is spiritual warfare, and God cannot allow anything into your life without power to overcome, so watch out for the seasons of glory. You do not need someone to cast it out, but if you find one, test their spirit first. That demon considers you a worthy opponent so stand in your authority.

Some ministers are known to forbid their flock from confronting certain "kinds" of demons. This is unnecessary. If it were not for fear of your capacity to destroy, it would never have touched you. God has perfected battle in even nursing infants for the sake of His enemies. When all power is drained in the height of a demonic attack, which is also the cutting off of the bands or the protective angelic covering/garments from saints, then torment follows. So be careful to watch to fight when the counsel/ and subsequently power to overcome is present(explained in the seasons of war) This is in the extreme cases, and one under such bondage would even feel a fleshly covering over His spirit, or a heavy overbearing body. Dreams become torturous vanities that you can hardly run away from, and the person may begin to engage in the same vanities in the spiritual dreams. This is a season of war. Relax(important,) wait patiently for the season of your vengeance or glory which will always come with enough power not only to set free, but to spoil, make your enemies desolate. Sometimes the season of bondage may last for long if you miss your moments of glory. wait for the next round though and fight without pity. Being a prayerful person helps in that in war and in vengeance the seasons find you on your knees, thus one would hardly miss one. The most powerful people(spiritually) are not necessarily the most prayerful. Prayerlessness, though when its time to fight only works in favor of the devil because being a prayerless person is like sleeping through a time of harvest and expecting to have food when the season changes. This is how milestones are made spiritually.

The difference between the demons to cast out and those to avoid dealing with depends on whether one is a son of light or of darkness, so testing spirits is a must. There is a seed planted in every man for the discerning of spirits. This is the revelation of Christ at salvation which comes by a spiritual discernment of who He is. The sons of light are heir to the promises of God, and liberty is one of them.

To avoid demonic possession, avoid running from fellowship to fellowship looking for power, as many of these lead to bondage.Not all power is Godly. You know you have received bondage if the impartation is followed by bondage. Remember some of the prophets of the last days are false. Their is an upsurge of deception upon the land, and a lot of power with it so do not pick up everything glittering. Not all is God. The principalities of darkness have been glorified one last time before their end and great power is being manifested in many forms.


Another form of demonic influence is through the powers of darkness. The characteristic of the devil are spirit too, like their rulers , people directly under the influence of the rulers exude great power and ability to fight the powers of God. The powers of darkness are actually the definition of sin or wickedness - hate, lasciviousness (spiritual and physical,) robbery(Spiritual and physical.) It is actually iniquity or abomination. It is usually up to an individual to determine how they react to provocation and the fruits of the Spirit have a hard time dwelling in a heart taken by offence. This is why what would seem like a harmless encounter with some people would live one discouraged, hateful, fearfull, anxious, etc, or some peoples words would land on your heart like the sharp end of a sword.

These powers of darkness are much easier to cast out, especially from the elect, and the best way is by resistance, love, hope, peace, faith, righteousness(gifts of the spirit of God.) They can and should be rebuked in the name of Jesus.


For effectiveness in casting away demons(not necessary possessed in persons), it becomes necessary to have some knowledge about spiritual powers, principalities and wicked things in the spiritual places that have a lot of effect on mens lives(Ephesians Chapter 6).The rulers of this world are attached to the sons of darkness, in spirit. The wicked are the vessels of wrath and this is why you do not cast out every spirit sensed. The word wicked is actually more in reference to the demon than to the men so possessed. This possession gets more harder to separate with time. This are very territorial spirits in such circumstances. These spirits are rulers, and their authority is not just over men but also over the powers of darkness, which are the works of wickedness(1 Cor 6:9-10). Just like the power of God is hidden in His character, the powers of the devil are in His character, wickedness. Rulers, in their appointed hosts, are actually beneficial to them, in an ungodly way, through acts of witchcraft/wickedness in the high(spiritual places). This is why witches will boast with statements like "good things always follow me." Trouble comes when the possessed is a vessel appointed for the glory of God, then you have torment, abnormal anxiety or fear which is one test of their presence. Rulers use their powers, from inside or from without, to fight the power of God. Remember the power of God is in His Character - love, joy, patience, peace, meekness, long-suffering...righteousness, peace and joy is the kingdom of God. This is a true mark of the presence of God in ones life. This negative influence by a person using demonic powers is what is witchcraft. Forget the scary tales of the village witches which are only intended to cover up the truth besides instilling unreasonable fear. These territorial demons are called rulers. They manifest as familiar spirits in dreams, or through the eyes of discernment, as hardened spirits. Any spirit forming the visage of a human being in the spirit or vision is a ruler. It is important to differentiate these before going ahead to cast out evil spirits. Any botched casting out of such demons will manifest as sudden extreme tiredness and loss of even spiritual streghth, a feeling of soreness as if pounded in a mortar by a humongous pesttle or just a serious beating by the person possesed. It is testimony for a lack of power from God for the casting out. Christs disciples once dealt with one of these and failed. Knowledge of times and seasons for such a task is extremely important. The other category of demonic spirits falls under powers of darkness, generally.


There are two seasons in ones spiritual life, a season of war and a season to refrain from war. Both have grace to enable one to endure, or to conquer as necessary. To fight effectively, it is important to understand seasons. As The earth remains, so do they(Ecc 3:1) There is a season to be attacked, and to attack(ecc 3: 3). Rulers(princes of darkness) are the generals of the powers of darkness. They fight co-operativey (Ps 2:2). A sheep and a wolf can therefore not enter into an agreement as the Kingdom of darkness cannot be played against each other.(ex 23:32).The sheep are his meat(ps 17:12)and the good thing is that the adversary too is meat to the saints(Num 14:9). There is a raging war and at stake is the glorious heritage of the saints(eph 1:18).

There are major seasons and micro-seasons within them. Some last over several generations, some shorter seasons, Like a few years, months, or days. It is similar to climate Vs weather scenario. Both the wicked and the righteous go through the seasons. God rains on both. There are times of being beat down and you should not complain(2 Tim 2:3) These are times when rulers arise against the sheepfold . We have already seen that they they wield the sword by the authority of God for all powers on the universe are sanctioned by Him(Rom 13:4). If so, how would you rise against the power of God? You yield. Yielding pacifieth great offences(ecc 10:4). Until the season of the battle rolls over you. You let go of your life(self sacrifice) and you will gain it(2 co 4:11). this is not giving up on the war or battle. It is submitting the battles to the right hands. You stop throwing blows in the air at that time. Such attacks keep the sheepfold under the protection of the grace that comes with humility. A season of war will take advantage of even minor missteps to gain entry and exploitation so stay away from useless and minor disputes. Sometimes war will come when you engage in war prematurely, or simply when it is a season for war to come. We are deep in a season of war right now, fight smart: when there is power and not yet. The wicked are rejoicing now, but for a short while, then the season of war will dawn on them.

Friday 10 May 2013


17/11/12(A word) "The silent heavens, the pregnant virgin and Jonah's mission to Nineveh three signs of the coming age."

(The silence of the heavens is mentioned a lot in the prophets)


This concerns the coming victory(for all in the valley of darkness);

31/10/12.(A word)"I will destroy the nations that stand in your paths, and you will know that I am the Lord, I the Lord have said it."


21/7/7. In attendance at what seem to be a worship service. The worshipers were rulers. As the session went on, Christ stepped out but they did not notice as another stepped in His place. The similarity was cunning. The power was endearing. The service continued. The warnings fell on deaf ears.


9/7/12 Four Kings that rule over the entire earth took counsel together to accuse and to imprison. The East seem to abscond from the counsel at a point. I could Hear the accusation the entire day that followed, followed by a time of imprisonment in the spirit. There are others in the same predicament.


14/5/12 Authority over what seemed as North America in the spirit divided to two. This is about the principality of the air. The new entrant is'nt really new. He is an ancient, previously subdued by the preceding by the appointment of God. Till now, He had been a subject, but God just remembered Him and restored Him. The two are to rule side by side, not as servant and master any more. Thus the glory of the Kingdom is split to two. Immediately the land parted equally along the length and a river flowed in between to separate them.


This is a word received while in the country on 3/12/12, when everyone was exited of the idea of the jubilee.

First, in a night dream, the rulers of the land, the great men of the principality, arose in excitement and were going up a mount dancing in celebration saying "jubilee." They still celebrated with whoredom in their hearts even as they spoke of thanksgiving for the season. Then came the word of God to them, "I will take vengeance against them this jubilee."


Self too was required as an offering. willing wisemen should give themselves for the service of the temple, now the saints as individuals and the entire church as a whole. Paul refers this as a drink offering on occasion(Phil 2:17, 2 Tim 4:16). This is also the workmanship of weaving together the garments, according to specification, ensuring the vessels were to the order. These represent not just the apostles, teachers, prophets, evangelists and pastors but also anyone lending a helping hand to the build-up of the saints. They are the new temple. These had to be wise.

God would honor then temple by His presence and so is the function of sacrifice. After receipt of the gifts of menGod gives even more of Himself. This is the principle of increase in the manifold glory of God as presented by His gifts.The subsequent use of the temple would be daily sacrifice. Hence the phrase of the taking of the cross, just like Christ, daily. This is important in maintaining a strong relationship with God and for maintaining His power


These are taught in Exodus chapter 35. The precious metal given for overlaying and fabric would represent the Gift of righteousness that represents Gods gift that in turn, gives us worth before God, and the work of the spirit of God that purifies as precious metal. This is the gift of grace

Garments and skin was also required. The garments and skin are the coverings of the temple, including the wooden boards are the protective armour and hedge that surrounds every one of His. They are as divers as the manifold graces, the gifts and powers of God.


The first temple being a shadow of things that would later come, it is important to learn the ways of the new as previously represented by the first laws. It was a creation out of sacrificial gifts.

The first offering was of the days. The Sabbath(Ex 35:2). This would be of pure, unadulterated rest, signalling the rest awaited at the end of this age.  Christ would later say that His coming was a fulfillment of this day. He was an answer to this continuous prophetic declaration by the law. We too await His coming, and never are we to Give God rest till He establishes this peace. He is the prince of peace, And His father is the King of the same principality. Christ was a Passover Lamb, His acceptance therefore, a declaration of His Kingdom.


The third important category of animal sacrifices is peace offering(Lev 3:1.) These were given, not on demand, but on ones volution. They were given for thanks giving, vows, of basically as "voluntary" offerings(Lev 7:12). Their purpose was in the label. Modern peace offering are equally diverse and scripturaly, are encapsulated in a the following, as some of those found in scripture.

  • Sacrifice of praise(Heb 13:5, Ps 50:23, 32:11)
  • Sacrifice of thanks giving(Ps 107:22)
  • Speaking to God as a free will offering(Ps 119:108)
  • Sacrifices of righteousness(PS 4:5, 51:19). not surprisingly the fruits of righteousness, its written, are sown in peace(James 3:18). This means that all fruits of righteousness are aside from being a gift from God, to be given to men and to God, as a gift to Him.


The second category of animal offerings of the old temple is meat offering(Lev:2:1) These types of offerings were specific in ensuring that the ministers(Priests and Levites) would not starve(that they would have meat), as they were not apportioned land like the rest of the twelve. It was the supply of the temple. A part of all the meat offering would be burnt for a memorial(Lev 2:16). This would be an offering to God from the priests, for the sake of the offerers of this gift, for its(the gift's) sanctification before God. This offering remains in this dispensation , as a gift to ministers(within which most of our monetary offerings fall today). Reference is found in Phil 4:18 where Paul refered to such as a sweet-smelling aroma. The question remains how to honor the same before God for the sake of the givers as the priests had been taught(verse 29) being first, a gift to God. An example of such dishonor would be the actions of the sons of Samuel, who for their dishonor, God said that they had caused the people of Israel to err.


The temple was made for offerings. God, as before, honors them by His presense. Those who are given to God, not in terms of works as was with the specific animal offerings(Lev 1:2), but in the spirit(Phil 3:3), do dwell in the presence of God. This is a continuation of the gifts of men / the new temple.


John the baptist was of the glory of the old covenant, and his assignment was parallel to that of its glory(Ex 23:20-32.) This was the same assignment carried by the angel in the wilderness using the law. 

John took the new assignment as Elijah(Mathew 3:3, 17:12-13), a prophet of the law that had to prepare the way before the terrible day of Christ(Malachi 4:5). Due to the cyclic nature of prophesy, this was first fulfilled in John the Baptist. It also assures us that Elijah precedes the terrible day of the Lord as is the interpretation of Malachi. 


The glory of God was one with the ark, in moulding, foreshadowing the unity between the glory of man, offered to God as a sacrifice(the wood), and the gift of the glory of God covering over man(The overlaid gold(Ex 37:11)), both gifts, combining to a fortress, a garment of protection over man. This means we are not only strong when we are in our season of plenty, but also in a season of war, when there is less glory on our part.


Whenever men come together in unity, they establish principalities. This is why the tower of babel brought a scattering by God. The same is also, actually why fellowship is important when with saints. Its also the reason why the church is often infiltrated by people whose sole purpose is to scatter the people. There are actually churches whose form of "expansion" is often like this. This is the scattering of the power of the believers.

Refer to the structure of the Kingdoms of this world.


A principality could also be a land mass, say a continent, the extents of a particular body of water or a collection of several at the same place, illustrated by islands like the Carribean islands of the Pacific ocean.

Weather patterns can also create a form of principality. So can currents and and seasons.

The word principality is therefore very fluid, and can be construed to even reflect a particular time period or an age. The same is perceive in scripture as Daniel interprets King Nebuchadrezzars dream of the five-part, metalic figure that was representative of five different time period of rule, which though would later be fulfilled in the times and in a later age in a different form, later represented in Daniel Chapter 7, 8 and 11. 


Principalities present themselves in prophesies and dreams in various forms, as witnessed by Daniel, John in his revelation, among other prophets. The most common of these forms is that of beasts. It is interesting that even God appears flanked by the same kind of beastly representations as would be the case of Ezekiels vision(chapter 1). The devil is at a point in prophesy also represented as having once been a Cherubim in the garden of God.


The word, principality has several implications, explained as follows;
1. A specific Power
Different powers of God are also referred to as principalities. For example, the principality of God is peace. Jesus is the prince of peace. It refers to a character with a functionality. The powers of darkness are indeed, also principalities, against which we fight(Eph 6:11.) These were the same principalities expressed as beast in Daniel 7 and 8. Watch how in DanieL 11, the same principalities are referred to as Kings. This is because Kings are the final authority of all principality, they wield the scepter of power, so to say.


Preparation is also the putting on of the right garments(Mat 22:12,14.) While many are called, only those that take a step of conforming to the dress code befitting the call in this parable get to enter the rest. The rest are cast out(Mat 22:13). Here the garments are referred to as the wedding clothes and those appropriately dressed are referred to as the chosen. Garments are similar to the works of men, the light that shines to all men, befitting the call of God(John 3:20-21). This is similar to the requirement of washing of baptism and cleansing of fire. 


Preparation is also explained in the parable of the ten virgins. Five have oil in their lamps, while the second half has none. This missed their day of entering into glory or rest(Mat 25:1-12.) The required aspect was oil and the required preparation here was the presence oil in the lamps. These were obviously useful vessels or servant, but lacking in content. The contents are  the gifts of God,given to be given, referred to as the works of men that are a light to the world(John 3:20-21). There is a strong movement to deny many of these contents of the vessels. A vessel of glory gives forth light, a vessel of wrath gives off darkness These two groups are separated at the time of the arrival of the bride. The same is the separation of sheep nations and goat nations, or wheat and tare in parable.


 How do we prepare the way for the coming of Christ at the advent of the coming new age? How did John, two thousand years ago, as he Introduced the concept of " the Kingdom of God?" This is a necessary discussion in view of the promise of Malachi 4:5. This is referring to a "witness," a term also used equally in reference to angels. The function of such an angel (Probably assigned to a human witness) is further explained in the article, "Ark of the Covenant / The Power." 

In the article, we saw how John the baptist prepared the people for the coming of Christ by the Baptism of repentance, one that is important even now. In his days, he showed the people what sin was and introduced them to the power of baptism. This is what true baptism is all about - one of the heart. In his work, John promised of one coming to baptize, unlike him, with Spirit and fire(John 1:29,33.) This is the preparation for the coming age, as Christ came from the wilderness saying "repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." He said that one had to be born "from above, or by "water and Spirit"(Jn 3:5,3) to enter the Kingdom


The tabernacle is also the glory of God. This glory sums up all the gifts from God. This are what the promises of the covenant are. This is the secret of the covenant(of Christ) that He promises to show(give) only those that fear Him(Ps 25:14). The temple/ tabernacle is also the house of the Lord(Ps 27:4,5) also the true temple, and while in it, men are to offer sacrifices(Ps 27:6). The glory of God is also the the food of all men. This is why Christ spoke of being full after the conversation with the Samaritan woman. This was the gift of fellowship, offered by, first Him to the Samaritan, and from her to Him. This is the reciprocity of the giving of God. The result is enrichment, a spiritual food refered to in Ps 28:9. This is power. The same was the story of Mary, whose sister, Martha reproached from sitting and listening to Christ, instead of helping with the cooking. She had chosen the important part, Christ said in her defense.


The temple is also the garments. This were demonstrated in the multilayer, multifaceted garments and coverings of the first temple. Moses was replicating this temple that we have now as he saw it in the Spirit.The garment is the power of the Church.The parting of the garments of Christ at His crucifiction(Mat 27:35) is a shadow to a similar stripping of this protective shield in a season of war, more suitably entrenched in Psalms 22:18 in the writers season of trial. This is the same breaking of bands and casting away of the believers cords as spoken of in Psalms 2:3. This is what happens in the spirit during trying times. The same is key in the activities of the last days as the enemy arises against the believers. It is refered to as the scattering of the power of the saints. This is why lawlessness in the body of Christ is cannot be encouraged at this time. It is actually a mischievous way of attaining the goal of disempowerment. This power is first divine, a gift from God, which when received, becomes a gift to God. This is how the sons of God give forth fruits worthy of repentance. And repentance is baptism in the spirit, not just as a show in water.


The tabernacle is also refered to as the shield of Gods salvation(Ps 18:35). It therefore protects against attacks in times of warfare. It is also the "guarding strength"(Ps 18:39) which means, the power of God. This is why The Character of God in Men is more important especially now. It is not just work, but the secret of the power of the saints. For this reason, Gods power comes laced with HIS Character(Find them in His gifts to men). This is one of the simplest and most ignored ways of discerning the good from the evil. For example, power can be manifested in through joy(Ps 21:1, where the King is expressing joy in the strength of God. This is the importance of those moments of glory in times of warPower is also in the voice of God, Ps 28:4, which is the counsel of God that one must wait for before going to war. This was the principle inherent in the times of the earlier battles of Israel. Peace from God has power - refered to as strength in psalms 29:11. The same with praise, hence, "the glory of men sings(Ps 30:12)." When God glorifies men, a song rises from within.


Know ye not, that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost? The righteous dwell in the tabernacle/ the holy hill(Ps15:1-5). The tabernacle is also the shield of God. 
"Though wilt bless the righteous, with favour will though compass Him as with a shield."(Ps 5:12)
The favour refers to the manifold grace of God, covered as His gifts to men, which is actually a giving of Himself.. This is the hetritage of His people(Ps 16:5,6). The riches of the wicked on the other hand;(Ps 17:14.) have a short lifespan, and are lost in the end. Actually, at the end of this age.


Jewish rabbis say that the numerical dimensions of the ark and the temple have a significance. This is because the Hebrew language is expressive, and all letters of the alphabet are assigned to a special number and significance. The dimensions of the temple and the ark are said to spell out the Characters of God, both His loving kindness, and vengeance against sin. As much as God is love, He is also a consuming fire. This both make up the wall of protection surrounding the saints, a garment.

The construction of these buildings signaled completion of one dispensation, and the start of a new. All with prophetic significance to the times that were coming in past years, and more importantly of now and of the glorious future of the reign of Christ after  the end of the age we are in. This is the cyclic nature of all prophesy, that a word seemingly addressing today should be relevant two thousand years ago.

Presence or absence in the covenant (Noah's and Israel's) determined whether one would live or not. So for Noah, only the eight members of the family locked in lived. In Moses' temple, the covenant was in the oath before God, that "all He says we will do," referring to the commandments that would be given by the hand of Moses. This covenant would be protected in the ark of the covenant, together with the covenant of priesthoods budded rod of Aaron, and a pot of manna, the provision of the wilderness.

The ark of the new covenant of Christ, entered into by a partaking of His body("Unless one eats my flesh and drinks my blood, He is not worthy to be my disciple" Christ said,) which is an expression of a yielding to His Lordship, and worship of only Him in spirit(Phil 3:3). Christ is the new Sacrifice, replacing the sin offerings of the old testament/covenant.

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