Thursday 27 June 2013


Talking to God is one of the rarerest things we do as Christians. Sometimes our prayers are not directed to God as a communicator would to another in a conversation. It is possible for prayers directed to God to be a mere recital with no intention of engaging in a back and forth communication, even if one side(most likely God) remains silent.

The reason for this lack of communication with God even when we are praying is mostly for lack of confidence. Most times, people do not feel they are good enough to hold a conversation or a talk with God. In such cases, prayers become technical and distant. This feeling of inadequacy is also, surprisingly, increased by a lack of communication in the relationship with God. The guilt is not warranted. God is spirit, and when we rever Him too, sometimes fear of saying the wrong things keeps this distance a reality.

Start talking to God as you would to a friend. The problem is not usually faith but fear. Do not worry about speaking in a certain bible language. God is your friend. Next time you have a burning conversation you are dying to spill out, tell it to God. It does not have to be out loud. He can listen to thought and that is the best place to start talking to God from. At first, the talks may feel awkward and one sided but after a while, it becomes easier on you.

There are times we have questions that we are sure no one would answer, or that we would like God to answer Himself. Put the quetion to Him, and move on. After a while, or immediately, He will answer through another person or through your understanding. Understanding is the commonest communication tool of God, and also easy to ignore. Sometimes God teaches by taking you through an experience that will put the lesson in you. These may not be necessarily good experiences.

Sometimes prayers can be in form of a conversation, a talk. These are important especially in seasons of war when prayers seem to hit the ceiling. While these talks, may be far apart in these seasons, it is a form of communication that remains throughout all seasons. So when you can't pray, talk. Make a friendly conversation. Again, it does not have to be out loud, making it possible to carry out conversation with God from any place, noisy or not, whether its a place considered unGodly or not. Go ahead and talk to God, your friend.

Saturday 22 June 2013


What is the importance of Christ in Christianity? Christs importance can be understood from the study of the powerful laws of covenant making. This is because the entry of Christ into the culture of worhip came on the inception of a covenant, the new covenant, other wise called the new testament. Before His coming to earth, men worshiped God in a different way. All the peoples of the earth had discovered that the language of God was sacrifice. There was no close relational dealings with God in terms of conversation and or prayer as freely as we have today in Christianity. God was then a mystery, feared so much that even shrines were restricted in visits and behaviour. In Israel, whose God is also the God of the Cristians, there was a section of the holy temple completely shut away from the worshipers. Only once a year did one elected person enter this place called holy of holies, where the presence of God dwelt. The inception of Christ into belief in God
completely changed the way we worship. The secret is in the new covenant.

The first covenant of worship between God and men came with Israel. God taught them the secrets of reaching Him through lagalistic means, also refered to as the Torah. Through a system of dos and donts, Israel learnt how to offer sacrifices that would actually be acceptable. This reminds me of sacrificial ceremonies in Africa where blood is usually mixed with the dung of the animal and then poured out as as a sacrifice. Now this would not suffice for the God of Israel, our God. First the sacrificial animal would be without blemish, blood would be drained out of it, not to be offered, and certainly dung would not be offered. God was teaching His people that He would not take any form of corruption from them. This was how the lack of corruption would be expressed, by synonyms of the law. The law is ia system of similitudes that seek to teach us of the nature of God and how to relate to Him.

The coming of Christ was with a change of how we relate to God.He introduced the idea of worship in spirit and in truth, and he challenged the most rigorous of the law keepers about their Godliness. He was surely poised to become a stumbling block to many in a nation whose God had dramatically introduced to the law in the wilderness. What in fact was happening is that the age was turning over and a new age, new laws(more spiritual) were coming into force fast. Life changes, and periodically, a new system arises and takes firm roots, impacting an entire age. The new system was Cristianity, sinking deep its teeth into the systems of the world, and the most notable difference with this new system would the the power with which it took over. The blind were seeing, crippled walked, and lepers got cleanced. The bound were getting set free, spiritually in the name of Jesus. The spiritual structures of power over the earth had turned over and the new King was
walking among the people in flesh. Power had shifted in the heavens, a major shift that ushered in a new dispensation. I call this a dispensation of Chrit for the reason that, though the principalities of the earth remain till its end, they are subjected to Christ. It is for this reason that we pray "in the name of Jesus". It is an acknowledgement and use of the power of the King that sits above all principality, right next to His Father. The name of this prince of Kings is Jesus Christ. His rule is over all other kings(many they are), and gods and powers. This is the power we have in Christ. Power to be translated from this darkness that sits over the world to light. And He is the light of the world. This is why Christ is indispensable.

Sunday 16 June 2013


Open and Fellowship
The Lord stands on our doors and knocks-to enter, to be in fellowship with one. 
Revelation 3:20   Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
When the door is opened, He enters. But watch out for those that shall come through other means. It is interesting that He knocks on the same door which He again says, "I am the door."
 John 10:9   I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 
This brings to remembrance the scripture "I chose you." That no one comes to the father but the father Himself calls them. So when He calls, accept the call and open up your heart to Him.

He and the father come in and make a House within the lucky one. This becomes his temple - His place of worship(that is the purpose of temples, any where.) Moses Tabernacle (representing spiritual garments) was for God to dwell in. So is ours. The temple was also The Lords dwelling amongst-and the same way he dwells amongst His people as a whole too, aside from the personal relationship. This is why fellowship is important. This means that whoever brings God without Christ is not good for the sheep, he is a thief so do not hearken to their tales. Only the true shepherd gives pasture. 
John 10:2   But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.  John 10:7   Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.   John 10:9   I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 
The shepherd who is not true on the other hand fattens the shhep for slaughter:
Christ is the head of the church. Furthermore, we are being built into a temple that is being hewn together into a heavenly house. The Christ is the cornerstone(which the builders, out of folly rejected,) of one whole body.

 I always question the spirit behind the founders of these mostly separatists movements. but scripture seem to think it is sometimes a good idea- 1 John 2:19 ).
 1 Corinthians 12:12   For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 
  1 Corinthians 12:13   For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 
  1 Corinthians 12:14   For the body is not one member, but many. 
Divide and rule always worked in the colonial strategy of conquest and the Kingdom of this Age knows the power of the church being of one mind. Strife should not have a place n the body of Christ:
 Hebrews 6:16   For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. 


It fits for the true witnesses to arise, to prepare the way for the last times of the age, the messenger prophesied by prophets.

We live in this time of preparation, when there is a famine of the word of God, when Christ is preparing her church for the everlasting Kingdom of God. Refer to the words of the angel on the first recorded sighting of the outpouring of the Sword upon the heavenly principalities- live right, Godly, goodly. There is a great sword upon the nations too as a result. This is because a lot of what is real in the physical is sensitive to changes in the spiritual realm. The earth was not always static and stoned until death came upon it. The same earth is groaning, even louder as the revelation of the sons of God gets nearer.
  • Luke chapters 1,2 3 explains the assignment of the messenger as he prepared the way for Christ then, and again now.
This is a time when the populace prepares for the coming of the messiah. The messenger starts to take the Kingdom by force, and this is continued by Christ, and his disciples:

Purpose of the messenger:
Luke 1:16 And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. 76 And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,78 Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and [in] the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
The same purposes are a prophetic declaration of the purpose of the Angel of God in the current season. Note that in John the baptist wars against the Kingdoms of the heavens,  he did not have an army, a battalion, a sword. He was a simple man, dressed in camel hair, and his food was locust and honey. His wars were in the spirit. This is how he prepared for Christ:
Matthew 11:12   And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 
The same Angel that was released  to help John go forth before Christ is the same Angel at work now, and He prepares the way for Christ again, this time for a more radical takeover of the Kingdom. 

The work of the messenger is reiterated in other gospels, and in prophets too;
In Malachi is the state of the church now, and the work of the true witnesses called for the season, as they set the stage ready for the Son of God. Read the whole of it.
chapter 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
 This was first fulfilld on the first coming of Christ, and it will be fulfilled again.
  Matthew 17:11   And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. 

Thursday 13 June 2013


This is an article specific on scriptural seals and veils used to hide things that are not yet as at the time of the revelation, to have them preserved better for the concerned generations and relevant time. It was common practice in the old testament to present mysteries of God in seals due to the nature of the covenant.
 Isaiah 8:16   Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
 Isaiah 29:11   And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
 Daniel 9:24   Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
 The covenant was designed to be a practice in prophetic actions declaring of another more superior covenant and promise. The Spirit of God was not yet poured on earth therefore understanding was only of laws. These laws were not just living instructions. They hid a more deep spiritual aspect concerning the relationship of men and God. They were seals and veiled our current covenant. These veils were also spiritually signified by the veils of the temple of worship, restricting the revelation hat the people could attain through the old covenant.  This changed at Christs death. It was His first victory in hades.
 Matthew 27:51   And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
 I believe it is time to unveil such mysteries and to break any such seals, seeing we are fast approaching an age that is going to be full of Gods revelation, with no need of teachers. This means that the mysteries of God should be in the process of unveiling right now, as we approach the new dispensation.
Scriptural and prophetic seals ranged from writer to writer and from time to time. These were indeed actual veils put on the word as a testimony of the inability of the law to deliver a deeper relationship with God. We now have a better covenant, and together with the tearing of the seal which was the veil hiding away the most holy place, we inherit power to search into deeper spiritual things concerning the glory of God. Here follows more common seals of the prophets, and scripture as noted down in mysteries;
1.Order of events. By mixing up order to avoid a clear chronological flow of prophesies for example, a veil would be formed in that the clear intentions of the scripture would cause a confusion. This also happens with words of wisdom concerning how spiritual things work. This is the case of many prophetic utterances. Our heritage is now more spiritual than before thus the unveiling of such mysteries. Order is mixed up in Daniel chapter 11, or Revelations among other books, especially when the writers are prophesying a future event. Christ did the same when asked of what should be in the end.
2.Repetition. Read Daniel chapter 11 and you will wonder " is this the same king or is it another". Repeatition is another sure way of throwing people off the tracks. This seal tires off the mind and you cannot wait to end the reading. It is also the commonest used by all the prophets in the bible, including the revelation. You think you are onto a thread before you discover that you are backtracking, branching off to a completly different part of the story, or down the same road you thought you had passed. This seals and veils scripture for many and usually results to a resignation of the mind from the particular scripture. 
3.Backtracking. The seal could be attained by backtracking an already stated prophesy and you think; is this another occurrence? The order of events could also be repeated in a backward chronology. This is a form of poetry. 
4.Distractions used to seal prophesy and other scripture come in the form of a different event being described at the same time. You then lose sight of the other or fail to make sense of the entire presentation. This seals off the actual story from the hearer. It is a common veil for most prophets. 
5.Its so overt, its covert. Sometimes the best seal is to lay the truth so casualy bare. The irony is that men will seek an interpretation or a deeper meening. This happens a lot with the scriptures that deal with the relationship of men with God, with facts about the principalities of the earth, the annointing and personality of God, among others. These are mostly seals to non believers due to the lack of the Spirit of Revelation that dwells in all Christians. These kinds of scriptures have therefore resulted in separations and conflicts and denominations. 
6.Current circumstances used as a seal of an expected occurence in the future. Take for example the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt. This declared in a veil translation from the kingdom of darkness to light in the new covenant of Christ. It also declares the birth of the coming age of righteousness from the current one. The same scriptural seal is used with other nations to declare the plans of God for those that rise after them, and most importantly, to spiritual principalities attached to them. 
6.Repetitive cycles of such fulfillments also seal scriptures from understanding, especially for future generations that will look at them as expired. This is exactly the intention of the veil. 
7.Similitudes and parables to seal prophesy and scripture. This is the use of fiction depicting similar circumstances or similies to hide the real facts. This is for example the use of already passed or wasted nations to speak to future ones, the character of most old testament prophets, or the many parables used by Christ. Many of those speak about the end of the current age, and expectations of its glory.   
Hosea 12:10   I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets. 
Ezekiel 20:49   Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?
 8.Spiritual blindness This is blindness caused by God through the gods of this world.
 John 12:40   He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

  Romans 11:7   What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

  2 Corinthians 3:14   But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:4   In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
You have to have an interest to be able to decipher some of these seals that veil the word. Knowledge of scripture increases the ability to break through hidden and veiled things as it increases understanding of the works of God. Wisdom only comes from God so remember to ask for it as many times as you desire.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


This is a record of a dream of the night, wherein I, through the eyes of the witness of God saw and met a king as He took over the principality of the south. This came after a great sword had been poured over the south by the hordes of God, and the higher levels of the rulers of the land were dispossessed, and at the material time, the King of the land still reigned, until the entry of this one. This had happened in the first quarter of 2011. 

The new King from the North(being the ruler of the rest of the lands) came to the palace of the King of the south as if on a courtesy call, and as he sat in the threshold, His powers(which could be seen as slithering dark creatures) surrounded the palace, took over the charge of the entire place and stood now in defense as the new protective powers over it.  The new King then stood up, now in pride, arrogance and great power that was indeed tangible in the atmosphere. As he spoke, His reign over the entire principality was consolidated. His words were a power that bound all those that were in the realm and it increased in strength as he spoke on. I could not decipher his language. He seem to be speaking in the language of angels that was beyond my hearing or comprehension, but I understood it was great blasphemy, greater that that which the people on the earth can think up. It was great defiance, pride and insult to God. But it increased his powers over the realm as he continued to subdue it, and his words were tangible in the atmosphere. I watched him command the residents of the castle to prostrate to him is submission, and to have their noses touch the ground, and when Christ appeared and almost cut Him off, and of course He cowed back, repented and Christ let Him rule.

Now this is a spiritual King, over the principalities of the earth, and from this time, there have been many more changes sighted in the same atmosphere. I believe though that this was the start of a new reign of defiance over the spiritual high places of the earth, one that will culminate shortly into the reign of Christ.


Abomination that causes desolation in this instance refers to the prophets foresight of the future when the temple of God is invaded by powers of darkness and defiled, therefore left desolate or deserted. This is how abomination leads to desolation:

Through defilement of the sanctified heritage of God. The heritage of God is the totality of His grace to men. This includes all His gifts, powers and glory. This is our heritage in God. We defile the same when we start drinking from other cisterns(sources of power, otherwise referred to as committing whoredom with other gods). Remember God is a groom awaiting to receive His prepared bride at the end of this age, and He is a jealous God. This age entered a glorious land by the power of the covenant of Christ, a glorious land that became defiled by idolatry and rebellion, besides the fact that we had laid out before us life and death, many have not been able to perceive this light, and have therefore chosen death.

Jeremiah 2:7And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination.
Jeremiah 6:15Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time [that] I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.
Such abominations are abhorred by God, and causes Him to rise in vengeance for the sake of cleansing the land of the same. Remember the promise of a more glorious land, where righteousness dwells, and sanctification, and true worship returns.
Jeremiah 8:12Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.
Ezekiel 16:50
And they were haughty, and committed ABOMINATION before me: therefore I took them away as I saw [good].
 To the new testament; (take into consideration that this abomnation of desolation does not have to be as overtly decorate as described by some modern shepherds, Note the mode of sacrifice has changed, the power of the Law has been disabled by Christ, Note too the calling for a deeper understanding, as compared to observation of factual presentation of reality.) In our new temple, our bodies making up the body of Christ, how can we decipher an increase in abomination to the level of causing a desolation by God? How about through deception, so that people turn to worship a masquerader? How about introducing a sacrificial offering that is contrary to Gods requirements of sacrifices? Fist of all, God condemns some who have gotten the sacrificial laws all wrong:

Matthew 9:13But go ye and learn what [that] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.Matthew 12:7But if ye had known what [this] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.Mark 9:49For every one shall be salted with fire, and every SACRIFICE shall be salted with salt.

First, Christ refers to sacrifices of righteousness. Not sheep, goats and the like, that can easily be brought dishonestly. The sacrifices of wickedness on the other hand are unacceptable, an abomination before God.
Proverbs 21:27The sacrifice of the wicked [is] abomination: how much more, [when] he bringeth it with a wicked mind?
 This means that perception of the abomination of desolation is spiritual, by discernment of the powers at work, for where is the holy place, but in the spirit, in the mountain of power, on which the lord has built His temple. Refer to the powers of God series. This mountain of God is the same, on which Moses perceived the workings of the temple, and made a physical shadow of what he had perceived in the heavens. Have you lately been to this temple? and what did you find? power of fear and anxiety and torment? For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
Matthew 24:15When ye therefore shall see the ABOMINATION of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mark 13:14But when ye shall see the ABOMINATION of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains:
This was Daniels foresight:
Daniel 11:31And arms shall stand on his part(a rebellious principality), and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the ABOMINATION that maketh desolate.
Daniel 12:11And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the ABOMINATION that maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Note that even now, there exists a temple of God, fully functional, sanctified and wherein daily sacrifices are offered.
My advice, don't set your eyes signs and wonders that our modern scribes are waiting for; alot more is happening in the spiritual world, and its those with "understanding"-the Sons of the Light- that shall be witnesses to them. I reiterate that there is a new King on the thrones of this world, extremely blasphemous to the extent of incomprehension, a proud, dominating personality shaking up the principalities of this world, establishing himself even in the uttermost parts of the world. This is one clue: Some of his princes are children. Princes will be found in any significant principality where the powers of darkness reign.His are proud. Some of these principalities creep into leadership structures churches, especially those led by powerful sons of darkness. Remember:
2 Corinthians 11:
Be vigilant, watch, test EVERY spirit, judge every prophet and every word. These are some of the darkest days for the sheep, but due to the intensity of the darkness, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is greater. Its a time of war, and there is grace to turn-over Kingdoms.


Idols/Idolatry (still existent)are also an abomination(Demons are frequently referred to as idols too.)
Deuteronomy 7:25The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold [that is] on them, nor take [it] unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it [is] an ABOMINATION to the LORD thy God.
To understand how this ancient principle would apply to worship in our new temple, it is important to understand the concept of idolatry. Why did people go through so much effort to defy God? First it is the presence of the haughty, rebellious spirit in man that is the beginning of this kind of an abomination. Idols are usually representations of the spiritual rulers, powers and principalities, and worship of these is what is referred to as the worship of the host of the heavens on many occasions in the scripture. Sometimes this is done without the presence of an actual idol made out by the hands for the purpose. This would include the many forms of indulgences especially present in modern spiritualism and even  the more historical indulgences with ancestral spirits, which really refers to demons. This principle is applicable today in that we are not to worship these spiritual beings at all. If you come from this background, at salvation, you completely cut off yourself from honor given to such. It is not good to honor powers of wickedness because the honor will soon turn to bondage. The devil comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. 

Accursed(dedicated to or of propensity to attract the demonic) things were also considered an abomination. This would include idols, or more recently, charms that range in form from culture to culture. This is, aside from worship, knowingly associating with such powers of darkness(idols). Form this we get the wisdom on separation from unholy fellowships. What fellowship has light and darkness? Some of the dizzying and warm, fuzzy feelings we seek after in powerful ministry can be part of these powers of wickedness, so learn to test spirits. Unless you are sure of the source of the power, stay away, lest you become part of the offering of the abominations.
Deuteronomy 7:26Neither shalt thou bring an ABOMINATION into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] a cursed thing.
The conclusion of this is that demons and demonic powers are an abomination before God.  It is for this reason that the sacrifices of the wicked(living under the bidding and authority of powers of darkness) are an abomination before God.

It is an abomination for the wicked to offer sacrifice to God- No wonder the antichrists invasion of the temple of worship of the true God led to a serious catastophie: Note his act of removal of the daily sacrifice(of the righteous) and its replacement with his own.
Proverbs 15:8The sacrifice of the wicked [is] an ABOMINATION to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright [is] his delight.
Proverbs 21:27The sacrifice of the wicked [is] abomination: how much more, [when] he bringeth it with a wicked mind?


In the laws, what was an abomination was things forbidden by God - foods, actions, even a certain kind of worship. For example, eating sacrificial food after "expiry date", which connotes corruptibility of what we offer to God. Here, referenced to our worship in the spirit, we need to be careful not to let the things that God hates be in our heart as we offer ourselves and our services:
Leviticus 7:18And if [any] of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity.
Leviticus 11:10And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which [is] in the waters, they [shall be] an ABOMINATION unto you:
When offering ourselves as living sacrifices, (which was earlier symbolized by the peace offering,) we are offering what in general would be called sacrifices of righteousness. This were offerings, unlike trespass offerings, which were of free will. They included the peace and vow offering. Refer to what animal offerings foreshadowed.

There are things we do in life out of our free will, for the glory of God. Such may include charity, praise, or other forms of service to both man and God. The significance of this principle of avoiding corrupted offerings(then, by reason of collection of germs on the food,) is to avoid tainting what we are doing for God with self gratification, pride, hatred, jealousy, anger, all these being among the things that God hates. This was the symbolism of the forbidden animals. These were forms of indulgence that signified a spiritual indulgence that was before God an abomination. 

Sunday 9 June 2013


This name of God means "the Lord our maker"Psalms 95:6.
This is beside the power of God to create all things as before seen. It is the power of God that brought us men and the body of Christ to existence. This power therefore gives us our assignment and heritage in our days because everything that God makes has a function. This power of God is therefore our moulder. It is the power of God that, like a clay vessel, fashions us according to our purpose, for He has appointed some to His glory. Seasons of moulding are not always easy, but this power of God enables us to overcome and move to greater glory.

The Lord thy God(Exodus 20:2,5,7). Unlike "the lord our God" that recognises the Lordship of God over an entire generation, "The Lord thy God" personilizes the same God to an individual. Here is God telling His child that he will not only protect him/her as part of a group, but has the same responsibility to the same child individually. This is who God is to all that believe in Him. This power of God deals with people as individuals regardless of the surrounding or general expectations of a season.

Meaning the "Lord most high" Gen 14:18.
The Lord sits most high over many other lords, and there are many Lords in the spiritual high places. This is the power of God over all these other lords. It is the power we invoke to break us out of bondages because in His time he decrees our breakthrough. It is bacause of The lords position over all other overloading powers that we invoke his name in our declarations in their time. It is the same power that subjects all powers, principalities and rulers of this age to Christ and gives them to His children as a heritage. There is no spiritual principality at par with or above God. There is also no other power that can overun His. This is the confidence we have in God.

Our sovereign Lord(Gen 15:2-8).
This powerful name acknowledges the Kingship of God and the overall power His Kingdom has over the principalities of the earth, and over the ruling principalities of all ages. This is not a synonym. It is a literal statement. God is a King, a great one, and He works as such. This is regardless of the form of leadership that exists on earth which of course is far from autocratic rule. It however does not change the fact about the overal reign of God as an everlasting monarch. One fact about a king is the ability to decree, judge, and do what ever He wishes. We have the same kingdom as an inheritance together with Christ right after the end of this age(Daniel 7:27).

This name means the Lord of hosts(1 Samuel 1:3).
This name means that that God has lordship over the hosts(armies or angels of the spiritual realm.) Remember when Joshua prepared to attack Jericho, then appeared unto him a man with a sword in hand. Seeing He was an angel of war, Joshua wanted to know on whose side He would be fighting- Joshuas or Jericho's. "None," the angel said, but on Gods side. Before Joshua and His earthly hosts win the battle, the hosts of the heavens had to fight it with the principalities of darkness. This is what the hosts of the Almighty do even now as we get ready to enter a new chapter in the ages of this world. These heavenly hosts are under the lordship of God. They are the angels that accompany Gods counsel to war in a season of war. It is for this reason I insist; never go to war or a confrontation in battle without counsel. Where there is counsel of God, there is power to bring the counsel to fulfillment.

(Article by Faith Shadora.)


This name of God means "the Lord our maker"Psalms 95:6.
This is beside the power of God to create all things as before seen. It is the power of God that brought us men and the body of Christ to existence. This power therefore gives us our assignment and heritage in our days because everything that God makes has a function. This power of God is therefore our moulder. It is the power of God that, like a clay vessel, fashions us according to our purpose, for He has appointed some to His glory. Seasons of moulding are not always easy, but this power of God enables us to overcome and move to greater glory.

The Lord thy God(Exodus 20:2,5,7). Unlike "the lord our God" that recognises the Lordship of God over an entire generation, "The Lord thy God" personilizes the same God to an individual. Here is God telling His child that he will not only protect him/her as part of a group, but has the same responsibility to the same child individually. This is who God is to all that believe in Him. This power of God deals with people as individuals regardless of the surrounding or general expectations of a season.

Meaning the "Lord most high" Gen 14:18.
The Lord sits most high over many other lords, and there are many Lords in the spiritual high places. This is the power of God over all these other lords. It is the power we invoke to break us out of bondages because in His time he decrees our breakthrough. It is bacause of The lords position over all other overloading powers that we invoke his name in our declarations in their time. It is the same power that subjects all powers, principalities and rulers of this age to Christ and gives them to His children as a heritage. There is no spiritual principality at par with or above God. There is also no other power that can overun His. This is the confidence we have in God.

Our sovereign Lord(Gen 15:2-8).
This powerful name acknowledges the Kingship of God and the overall power His Kingdom has over the principalities of the earth, and over the ruling principalities of all ages. This is not a synonym. It is a literal statement. God is a King, a great one, and He works as such. This is regardless of the form of leadership that exists on earth which of course is far from autocratic rule. It however does not change the fact about the overal reign of God as an everlasting monarch. One fact about a king is the ability to decree, judge, and do what ever He wishes. We have the same kingdom as an inheritance together with Christ right after the end of this age(Daniel 7:27).

This name means the Lord of hosts(1 Samuel 1:3).
This name means that that God has lordship over the hosts(armies or angels of the spiritual realm.) Remember when Joshua prepared to attack Jericho, then appeared unto him a man with a sword in hand. Seeing He was an angel of war, Joshua wanted to know on whose side He would be fighting- Joshuas or Jericho's. "None," the angel said, but on Gods side. Before Joshua and His earthly hosts win the battle, the hosts of the heavens had to fight it with the principalities of darkness. This is what the hosts of the Almighty do even now as we get ready to enter a new chapter in the ages of this world. These heavenly hosts are under the lordship of God. They are the angels that accompany Gods counsel to war in a season of war. It is for this reason I insist; never go to war or a confrontation in battle without counsel. Where there is counsel of God, there is power to bring the counsel to fulfillment.

Friday 7 June 2013


One of the major turn-around in the end-time prophesy is the defilement of the temple(Dan 11), with the devil gaining entrance into the holy temple, and taking over the daily sacrifice, replacing it with what is termed as the abomination that causes desolation. The truth is we as the temple of God are under heavy invasion by all manner of corrupted self-seeking ideology. Many a times we offer the sacrifice of fools, unknowingly(Ecc 5:1) by giving chance to idolatry, standing in place of what we really intended to worship. Our spiritual fellowship which is the body of Christ, all being built to a living house, with Christ as the corner stone(note the new Jerusalem in the book of revelations is walled by saints) is under heavy infiltration by sons of darkness.


Exposition of the Mystery of Babylon, The Ruling Principalities and Powers of the Earth.
The Babylonian principality was established in the days of Nimrod, the powerful descendant of Ham. Later elevated by the tower of babel, from which the name seems to originate. The Identity of a Kingdom or a principality isn't limited to a specific generation or to geography, as demonstrated in the vision of King Nebuchadnezer concerning the Kingdom of Babylon. It spanned four different identities, and historically, many more names and Kings. The special feature of this Kingdom However, is in its Identity as the Seat of the King of Kings, Under whom God had submitted other Kings of the earth. The Kingdom still is, in a blended in form within our society. The destruction of this city, its spiritual characteristics appearing in the revelation Ch.18 is in the end of the current age(Daniel 7, 8 & 9), the age in which the Kingdoms of the Earth are under the sway of the wicked one, and the ushering of the age of the reign of Christ, the age of righteousness.


To fight spiritual wars effectively, it is important to understand seasons. As The earth remains, so do they (Ecc 3:1) There is a season to be attacked, and to attack(ecc 3: 3). Rulers(Ephesians 6:11) are the generals of the powers of darkness. They fight co-operativey (Ps 2:2). The Kingdom of darkness cannot be played against each other.(ex 23:32). The sheep are his meat(ps 17:12)and the good thing is that the adversary too is meat to the saints (Num 14:9). There is a raging war and at stake is the glorious heritage of the saints(eph 1:18).

Thursday 6 June 2013


This name refers to God as the eternal creator (Gen 1:1)
This refers to the power of God to make things into existence, just as He did in the first chapters of the book of Genesis. This power did not end here. It is eternal or everlasting. With the same power God gave the plans for the ark that protected Noah from the storm, and the first temple. He is also building us an eternal home. This earth will in the end of the coming age, be replaced by a new one(Rev 21:1.).

This name means "the lord our sanctifier(Exodus 31:13)" It is the power of God that turns us from sinners to sanctified. It is the first power that hits us at savation, the power to become His sons.

This name means "the Lord our Righteousness(Jer 23:6).
After being sanctified by His power, we are then able to draw to His alter with a sacrifices of righteousness(Psalms 4:5, 51:19). This righteousness comes by the power of God represented in this name. God literally becomes our rigteous ness, making us continuously acceptable before Him.

This name refers to God as "our God.(Psalms 99:5,8,9)" It is important to know many men have their own gods, but to as many as have been appointed to life, only the true one God above all other Gods is their God. These are the sheep. The gods of this world on the other hand are a veil against the things of God. This is therefore the most vulnerable group when it comes to deception(Daniel 11:32). Infact the deception that is in the world in this season is to create a clear separation between true worshipers and the insincere ones. It is a time of testing, purging and preparation for an age of righteousness that is at hand. Jehovah Eloheenu refers to the power of God that keeps us from being deceived by other gods, and the power that causes us to acknowledge Him alone as God above all. It is this power that is in His gospel, that draws His people to Him. It is the power that makes you know you know Him. The power that drew you to Him.

This name means "the Lord of peace." Judges 6:24.
Peace is one of the many powers of God. It is on this mountain of power that the temple of God is built. It is an important principality and power in the kingdom of God. Christ is the prince of the principality known as peace(Isaiah 9:6). It is for this reason that peace is under invasion. It is on the foundation of peace that fruits of righteousness grow forth(fruits of righteousness are sown in peace(James 3:18)). This mountain was declared as the only place from which offering sacrifice was allowed in Israel(Deutronomy 12:11,13,14).

(All the powers and characters of God are part of the manifold grace of God. The teachings on the power of God as presented in His names by Faith Shadora will continue in the next and last article on the same.)

Wednesday 5 June 2013


This is a continuation in the knowledge of the powers of God.

This name of God means "the lord is my banner."(Exodus 17:15) A banner is a protective covering over a person. This therefore refers to the power of God that is a spiritual garment covering us. This is the annointing that keeps us from wicked darts even when we are not aware we are in war. The banner of God over us is also His love (songs of solomon 2:4). Love is the most powerful weapon that we have.

This means the God who sees(Gen 16:13-14).
This name refers to the power of God to see all things past, present and future on earth and heaven. It is the power at work in His prophets. It is also the power of God to be a witness to the nations and principalities and powers and to bring them to judgement when their time is fulfilled. This power of God also assures us of being constantly under the watchful and caring eyes of God.

This refers to te power of God to last forever. It is through this power that God has and will always be. This power of God is the source of life when we believe in Him, as we are too promised an everlasting life(John 3:16). At salvation, we receive this power which right now, empowers us to live beyond this age.

This powerful name means "the lord our healer."(Exodus 15:26) It is the power of God to heal disease and infirmity; spiritual, physical and even mental disorders. This power is at work in men He endows with the gift of healing(1st Cor 8:9). It is aslo power to renew land and heal it too, the same power that will heal the earth in the age to come.

This means "the mighty God."(Isaiah 9:6-7) It refers to power resident with God as a king above all principality and power that rules the earth in all ages past present and future. This power is Gods strength to overide and overpower all these, and also to allocate to every other power their abilities and inability. It is by this power that God is the commander all host, and all powers do acknowledge and submit to Him. He puts Kings on thrones, and demotes them as He wishes(Daniel 4:34-35).

(The powers of God shall continue...Article by Faith Shadora.)

Tuesday 4 June 2013


The powers of God is basically description of His glory. These powers are not just a collection of what He can do but what make up Gods being. These powers offer an insight on the personality of God. Put in other words, the presence of God in a place means that things that can respond to an aspect of the power of God begin to do so. Some of the powers of God are described in His names.

This name of God means the Lord will provide(Gen 22:8-14.) This means there is a power or glory associated with God whose purpose is provision. It is the annointing of provision. It is Gods personification as provision. This power may work by either facilitating the capacity to have our desires met, or by supernaturally creating them, as was with the feeding of thousands by Christ.

This means the Lord is present(Eze 48:35).This is the power of God to be present with His children, and it is written, even hell cannot separate us from the presence of God. From when we receive Him, He becomes present with us, and this is an annointing present with all His men.

This means the all sufficient God(Gen 17:1).
This is the power that makes us content even in the most tempestuous of storm. It is by this power that His children feel satisfied so long as He is with them. Concerning this the Lord says "do not be anxious about tomorrow."

This means "the lord is my shepered." (Psalms 23:1).
It is the power of God to sustain in faith all that are His sheep. This is the power that keeps His children from deception, and as a shephered that leads to pastures, this power of God is resident in us to reveal God to our hearts. This is our daily bread.

(Names of God to continue...)Article by Faith Shadora.

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