Tuesday 31 December 2013


The temple, being an offering first (Exodus 35), has in its structure three levels of giving or offering. These are represented by the outer court, where life-substituted by an animal offering is given in exchange for Gods, our eternal life. In the inne/holy place is the lamp. The burning oil is a deeper level of gift/offering. It is a secondary product, in our case, men representing the seed from which goodness is extracted by crushing self to death. It is spiritual offering of righteousness enabled by GOD. The reward is the light we become to the world, like the lamp. The Holy of Holies is perfection, which we now have in Christ. It has the embodiment of all the gifts of God, in two Cherubim. These embody our gifts/sacrifices too, and are representative of the Angels/Princes of the covenant. It is the glory of God.

Wednesday 18 December 2013


When heaven speaks, it means that the siege around the spirit of man has eased, and the glory of man is increased. The glory of man sings/rejoices, when it is from Gods shining countenance. It also testifies of God, that is why, the word of God and hearing increases in our spirit. This is a change in the spiritual climate, just as the wind blows and changes with seasons. Enjoy these glorious season, while we wait upon the Lords day of redemtion, when counsel for war shall accompany the glory. For now is peace and calm and joy and fellowship of the Spirit of God, even in the midst of a storm. All this is available to ALL belivers, for free.

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