Friday, 1 December 2017

Homosexuality and Sexual Perversions.

When I asked God to teach me about HIS power, he started teaching me about men. Their powers on earth, spirits of men and great evil on the earth‼

Keep in mind the fact that one gets baptized into the demonic world of their sexual partners. So avoid defilement...

Lately, God has been teaching me about the demons/powers of sexual perversions. Before I write of homosexuality, I need to point out that heterosexual conduct can also be demonic. But I am learning, and my learning continues, that it is a power in itself is a strong urge for sex, for exposure of nudity and private parts and pushes a person to recklessly have sexual contact to satisfy itself. The more it is engaged by the person it inflicts, the stronger the urge.

If you are reading with that problem and you desire it to go, this is the key: don't listen to its urges, resist the devil and he will flee. And command it to go by your own mouth, and i pray that my God strengthen your words the moment you do. And keeps you free.

What makes people identify as gay, queer, homosexual, bisexual, etc is the lustful urge I just mentioned. That is why it is confused for genetic. That is why some will cite getting associated - esp watching, gay sexual videos, or human contact (point of contact with the demonic power, depending on whether the point of people exhibiting themselves have the same lustful power controlling them).

What I find most interesting though, about homosexuality is a demon I recently came across. He spites women, violated the female private space by scornfully touching her and scorning her sexually. He hates women. This is why in closed societies, they will be forced into marriage but will abuse, mistreat and violate the women. It was a contempt that I saw. Enough to make any unsuspecting female partner's life a living hell.

This is a society with the least respect for women.
This is common in perverse societies ... It occurred severally in the days of all. An indicator of the ripening of time for harvest ...

❇19:21 So he brought him into his house, and gave provender unto the asses: and they washed their feet, and did eat and drink. 19:22 Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, #Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.#

19:25 But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and ⏩⏩abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go. 19:26 Then came the woman in the dawning of the day, and fell down at the door of the man's house ◀◀◀where her lord was, till it was light.

19:27 And her lord rose up in the morning, and opened the doors of the house, and went out to go his way: and, behold, the woman his concubine was ⏩⏩fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold. Judges❇

It is lastly, important to know that demons are sexually transmitted. It is how entire societies are suddenly becoming homosexual and you wonder, how can this be? Why is it that more people want to identify homosexual. When the society restrained itself, and restrained itself from heterosexual lust, it was limited to a few people. Our society has created a bigger avenues through media (TV, movies, social media,) and planned meetings where all forms of perversions are allowed, taught and shared🔞


Saturday, 21 October 2017

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Was it an actual tree?

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

But of the [b]tree of the knowledge of good and evil,[/b] thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof [b]thou shalt surely die.[/b]

The greatest challenge in Christianity is understanding how a simple fruit caused so much havoc and curses.  

Could the fruit be just a symbol of something more grave? And what happens to the garden of Eden if  this tree wasn't really a tree,  :-

One thing that is most notable about God is that to Him everything is symbolic and spiritual. This is more pronounced when the Israelites come out of Egypt and they are given purification laws. It becomes clear that not all living things on the earth are considered "pure" before him.

The next consideration is, what made the unclean such. Is it just a declaration or is there something more tangible that makes one thing "clean" and another "unclean".

A house infested with mould for example, was considered unclean. So was leaven (yeast) and though they ate it, it was not to be used on holy days and in the temple. Was it because mold or fungus grows on decaying matter, and it causes decease? What if you further recognize that everything with life has a spirit.

We used to have sacred trees back in the pre-westernized societies.  The elders still consider these trees untouchable. Many traditional spiritual sarifices were only performed under very specific trees. The trees were revered and still are, some have a god-kind of status. Others have priests who take care of them, give them blood sacrifices, pray on them. 

This reminds me of a story where a certain pastor in a one such community got in trouble. The government was constructing a road and one such tree fell right in the middle of the road. The community came out and warned the construction company not to let the tree fall for fear of a spiritual reprisal against the community. One pastor decided to help the situation by conducting a  preemptive prayer against any such spiritual attacks.  He even used holy oil :)

After the prayers, the pastor told the community that the curse of cutting the tree would not touch them. So the construction workers proceeded to cut it. It was a huge tree. Had been there before everybody else alive in the community. Word got to the diviners that the sacred tree had been cut. They were wroth. I remember listening to their demands and threats in awe, as the journalists recorded the whole drama. This is what they said;

"[You shall bring a goat, which shall be slaughtered as sacrifice for the fallen tree, and if you don't do it by the end of today, we the diviners of our gods shall undress before that tree and dance before it, and we shall see if your gods will save you from ours]. The pastor brought the sacrificial goat as fast as he could.

This is just one example of the spirit behind some trees. And I believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was one such tree. But eating of its fruit they got spiritually joined, perverted by a spirit that on one hand opened theirs eyes to the machinations of good and evil, and the spirit of death. Knowledge in this instance being a spiritual emersion into a realm that also was ruled by the spirit of death. The spirits of Adam and Eve became one with that realm the moment they partook of the forbidden tree.

Thursday, 28 September 2017


3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: Galatians

Christ became accursed. The cross was - still is - a pagan symbol at the time which is still in use by demonic cults. It signifies defiance against God. Romans knew exactly what they were doing. And its effect was desolation ... His righteousness was obfuscated. God was separated from Christ at that point...

27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew

That act ushered Christ into the realm of the Kingdom of darkness, and bound Him in death. BTW, death is a curse too. One that binds all men at birth, one that held Christ too. But only for a moment. He had to become accursed to access the realm of the accursed, because when he broke free of the curse, he left the door open for the men bound by the same curse. 

Op, he had to submit to that curse, because it bound the men he came to save. It gave him access to them

4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth ?4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) Ephesians

What eph 4:6 refers to were the conquests of Christ as a result of that curse. He not only attained power over the curse by overcoming it, but that power is also demonstrated in form of Spiritual gifts(powers) that became available to men from that point. The rest of the chapter is about the gifts. 

So yes, that cross was intentioned as the highest form of defiance towards Christ's Godliness, and it worked to His advantage,

Monday, 25 September 2017


Meditate on God. Actually, its not as easy as it should be. There are too many distractions in our lives.

This is how ... Change the conversation in your mind to a conversation with/about God. See God in everything! Avoid distractions. It helps if you are a bible reader coz you'd have a lot to converse on inwardly. Forget these demons, He's higher than all of them. You'll start to hear his voice, your dreams will become more meaningful and insightful and the sky is the limit.


This will be a time of return to the temple of worship, for me, after years. God is sought. And is found by those who seek him ...🐏

Those who worship Him, shall do so in Spirit and in truth. Worship is nothing is not in spirit. This is no reference to tongues. You see, every man/woman is a spirit dwelling represented by as physical body on earth. The spirit in itself is a conglomerate of all the powers at work in you - be it joy, love, hate, anger, goodness, godliness. Your presence !!!

The mind is they key into the temple of worship. The mind decides what you will feel. It decides when to let go of pain and refocus on positivity. God is spirit. Another conglomerate of powers. God is love. Meditate on that, because love is the greatest power on earth!

This is what God is ... He is love... He is Good .... He is also the God of gods ... and gods are powers, all kinds of power that have been given authority, the principalities that rule over men, over the earth.

So this is the secret of worship. By Spiritual powers. This simply means letting the power of God be and flow through you. It means transforming the atmosphere of your spirit man into Godliness. 


Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God likes an atmosphere that is Godly, goodly, right. Acquiring that kind of temple is actually not hard. Its as easy as your next thought.

#First, transform your mind.😇
Don't let anything ungodly linger in your mind. You would think how that is possible in our time. Remember, all creation came from God, so all you have to do is connect everything to God. Certainly, this should guide you ...

4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians

#Resist provocation, 🐏
This is the most effective weapon of the devil. Learn to block negativity from your mind.
Be slow to anger ... You shall rule your spirit like that ...

16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Proverbs

To be continued ...

Monday, 28 August 2017


This is a dream I had sometime ago, that testify to the change in the heavens. What I found most interesting about this dream is the insight I got when I shared it. They all pointed to realities that pertain at the time.

It was a time of war that preceded the take over of a different power. They seem to have only made way for the change, which is typical of change in the heavenly places. This was confirmed days later by another dream which saw another wild animal take over.

While the season of darkness remains, this is a new chapter and there is just a bit of breakthrough and reprieve.

So here is the dream...

I was living in a sky scraper and there were other people living in the building. It was just a building opening up to the wild landscape where the baboons/monkeys would come from.

The suddenly an army of baboons, countless ones started coming to attack. They would kill everybody.  I saw them from afar and knew exactly how they would do it. They would be locked out but they would get in anyway. I could recall in the dream that it had happened before but people seem to have forgotten or to not care so much. They did not seem to notice the danger.

The minute I saw them coming, I ran to hide in a room. The reason is that I could remember that in the last attacks (about 2) they did not get inside the rooms in that particular floor. Actually, they could break through but somehow they restrained. 

Some family members were on the same floor. I tried telling them about the attack but they brushe'd it off. In fact, my mother decided to leave the building to go run some errand. She came back shortly thereafter. She had seen them. Its her word that convinced them go hide in one of the rooms. They would be safe there. 

On my part, I saw a cat somewhere in the house and decided to save the poor thing too. So I had it in the room. But then as the attack progressed, I thought the monkeys would get its scent, and get agitated and find attack us. As I woke up, the monkeys had not reached our floor yet. So I was thinking of hiding the cat separately. Because keeping it with me was really risky  

Some of my options were locking it seperately in a drawer. The monkeys would definitely not reach it there and we would both be safe.

I loved the Interpretations. Some excerpts ...

Psalms 91 verse one has your answer. 

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

You have salvation. Light, foreknowledge base on the word of God. Monkeys represents demons invading humanity. Humanity takes demons for granted because they don't really know who they are how how fiercely demons hate them. 


Hmmm. I got this 'The times of the heavens are on their side, not yet time for their destruction. For until the appointed TIME, he that letteth will let. 

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
2 Thessalonians:2:7


There's going to be an invasion of the hordes of hell on humanity, and you are opportune to see it.
May we take heed and watch.


To "abide in the Shadows of the Most High"continually we must climb higher daily.


The monkeys represent demons sent to overrun the body of Christ. The attack truly had happened before but somehow (by grace) the church survived.

Your attempts to warn the church will fall on deaf ears ...but a few will wakeup at the last minute.


Saturday, 28 January 2017

The Social Systems of Christ

Every Kingdom has social structures put in place for order and to protect status, power, wealth and interest. Christ's Kingdom has its own structures.That is why Kingdoms exist. And lords, rulers, Princes and protocol. 

What made Christ so radical in his time was that he had the intention of changing the society. The social systems that existed not only in the Roman Empire but beyond. Men for thousands of years lived in oppression and usury, through the systems of not just slavery,  but access to and availability of justice, just judges and impartial courts and generally,  skewed human laws. 

Christ bought a new system by introducing new leadership, new form of governance and Kingship. So he meant every word when he said ...

"Repent (leave your old ways) for the Kingdom of God is here."

He was changing the ideals that held together the Societal structures he lived under. That Kingdom was established (on earth) in his days. And a new social system to govern her people ...

If you carefully last look at Christ's preachings, he spoke mostly to human relations ... justice, mercy, love, patience and devotion to God. Give, and by the same measure, it shall be given back, love your neighbour, give no false testimony, because the systems of the world thrive on these things. Our individual centered capitalistism and the then autocratic rulers all thrive on usury, competition in place of love and skewed laws unequally applied instead of Justice. That is the social system that the Kingdom of Christ is here to replace.

His Kingdom come.

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