Friday 23 May 2014


Our generation is deceived into lawlessness by the entrenched legal institutions of our countries. What we perceive as liberties hide secret doors into lawlessness. They mature into enmity with God. But our laws are the handiwork of mortal men, and so this should not be a surprise. The laws of righteousness should guide our interactions with our leaders, social, political or other relations. Christ said, there is no law against these. Has our generation found a way of negating these statutes of God?. The Angel of the almighty God is guided by the laws of righteousness and does strike against lawlessness.

The deceitful legalization of lawlessness by men in form of rights, freedoms, and even form of governance and duties created for citizen in support of the same is on many occasion, a bait for our own destruction. Remember the relation between David and Saul even after David knew that Saul had been rejected and that he had been appointed as his replacement. Now compare that with our current times, when we all seem to have a right to insult, degrade, remove and in extreme circumstances, even call for the assassination of our leaders. Consider the many lives that rebellion has taken away. This is the sword. Yet we are encouraged to keep pouring our lives out for, usually, not even our personal benefit. This is usury, and God will deal with it in His own time. 

Avoid this sword of lawlessness that hovers over us by submitting to all authority, live right, truth, goodly in godliness. From 'right' derives righteousness. 'Truth' is the wisdom of God, despite men's inventions of lawlessness and vanity. God is good and therefore 'goodliness' sums up the character of God - love, joy, peace, patience, righteousness, godliness, goodliness, also the fruits of His Spirit in men. Live according to these laws, to avoid the lies of men, and to avoid being withstood by His Angel. Live Right.

Galatians Chapter 5:

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