Sunday 14 February 2016


See that God is so powerful, so full of divinity, that all aspects of himself, his features, his character, His words, thought are alive. They are spirit. They have a life of their own. His countenance is His glory. His glory is so powerful in their own being that they are Princes in the heavenly realm.

This should explain the beings around and with Him In visions of the prophets.  

Christ is the word of God. The word that was both inside God, and that He spoke. His son. Closer even that his other attributes. Closer than his goodness,  kindness, words flow out of one's being, and being God, His words were Himself being expressed unto whatever the purpose. Thus Christ sits above the Angels and other Princes of the heavenly realm.

Then there is man, fashioned "in the image of God..."

Man is a workmanship of God. Like other elements associated with God, man is spirit. Living and breathing, and would be like the other beings before God were it not for the bondage of death. Death is the greatest enemy of Man.  It is the power of death that crystalized humanity into flesh. Thence, the experience of life is limited.

When Christ was born as a man, he bound himself in the ream of death, willingly, so that by confronting it and setting Himself free, death, which is a principality of darkness, would be defeated. That was the purpose of  Christ's descending into death. It had to be done because men were bound by death to the extent that the life which He was reintroducing to our world was blocked out. Far from the reach of men since the fall and ... death. The power of death gripped the earth, and held men captive.

He succeeded, and in the process reopened the realm of men to the supernatural power that is in all things that proceed from God ... 

Ephesians 4:

8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

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