Tuesday 10 May 2016


The human spirit is under a lot of pressure and there is so much distracting the spirit such that it is sometimes the most distant aspect of the human being. The Spirit starts getting strength against some of these vices upon receiving Christ, and with that, the power to overcome flesh - your own flesh is the greatest huddle to a powerful spirit. Flesh in this instant meaning the powers of the age which are inbuilt with vices that wrestle against righteousness. 

There is no greater power in heaven or eath than the power of Holiness.  So this teaching is geared towards the build up of the human spirit towards a power that comes with holiness. The power of God Himself.

The point of training the mind it that it is very closely joined to the spirit. You can get access to the spirit through the mind. In fact, God will communicate alot inaudibly through the mind and having a clear mind gives to more of such conversations. A clear mind is a factor of intentionally avoiding negative or unholy input through sights and sounds and even self ( flesh.) Then take in the good, which works well when it is combined with God's word. Put out good conversations. Rest your mind on things of God or things that are good, right, truth.

It does not have to be a challenge for a person who has busy days, and is mostly engaged in a mind consuming activity the whole day. The revelation of God is not limited to the bible. You will find God, his character and his principles in everything around you. In good. In the environment, in every work.  God is inseparable from any situation / place. That is how the mind can remain continually on meditation mode. With no effort at all. And the presence of God will not depart from you....

This scripture summarises it all...

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Training the mind to be spiritual and the spirit to be strong and powerful is that simple. For a beginner, it may take some effort, but after a while, it will become your second nature. Now be translated into the presence of God,

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