Monday 28 August 2017


This is a dream I had sometime ago, that testify to the change in the heavens. What I found most interesting about this dream is the insight I got when I shared it. They all pointed to realities that pertain at the time.

It was a time of war that preceded the take over of a different power. They seem to have only made way for the change, which is typical of change in the heavenly places. This was confirmed days later by another dream which saw another wild animal take over.

While the season of darkness remains, this is a new chapter and there is just a bit of breakthrough and reprieve.

So here is the dream...

I was living in a sky scraper and there were other people living in the building. It was just a building opening up to the wild landscape where the baboons/monkeys would come from.

The suddenly an army of baboons, countless ones started coming to attack. They would kill everybody.  I saw them from afar and knew exactly how they would do it. They would be locked out but they would get in anyway. I could recall in the dream that it had happened before but people seem to have forgotten or to not care so much. They did not seem to notice the danger.

The minute I saw them coming, I ran to hide in a room. The reason is that I could remember that in the last attacks (about 2) they did not get inside the rooms in that particular floor. Actually, they could break through but somehow they restrained. 

Some family members were on the same floor. I tried telling them about the attack but they brushe'd it off. In fact, my mother decided to leave the building to go run some errand. She came back shortly thereafter. She had seen them. Its her word that convinced them go hide in one of the rooms. They would be safe there. 

On my part, I saw a cat somewhere in the house and decided to save the poor thing too. So I had it in the room. But then as the attack progressed, I thought the monkeys would get its scent, and get agitated and find attack us. As I woke up, the monkeys had not reached our floor yet. So I was thinking of hiding the cat separately. Because keeping it with me was really risky  

Some of my options were locking it seperately in a drawer. The monkeys would definitely not reach it there and we would both be safe.

I loved the Interpretations. Some excerpts ...

Psalms 91 verse one has your answer. 

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

You have salvation. Light, foreknowledge base on the word of God. Monkeys represents demons invading humanity. Humanity takes demons for granted because they don't really know who they are how how fiercely demons hate them. 


Hmmm. I got this 'The times of the heavens are on their side, not yet time for their destruction. For until the appointed TIME, he that letteth will let. 

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
2 Thessalonians:2:7


There's going to be an invasion of the hordes of hell on humanity, and you are opportune to see it.
May we take heed and watch.


To "abide in the Shadows of the Most High"continually we must climb higher daily.


The monkeys represent demons sent to overrun the body of Christ. The attack truly had happened before but somehow (by grace) the church survived.

Your attempts to warn the church will fall on deaf ears ...but a few will wakeup at the last minute.


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