Thursday 17 May 2018

Powerful Prayers

Powerful Prayers are prayers done in season and with counsel. 

In season means that you make the prayers when you feel led, a kind of an instinct to pray about something.

Counsel means direction. It is when You know what to say on the spot. No reversals. 

For example: 
Afew days ago I decided to pray about a specific area of my life. I planned how on getting home, I would isolate myself in my prayer room and I started creating my prayer points through the day. 

Upon getting hope, I settled in. However, at the point of beginning my prayers, I just had what I needed to say clearly coming out of my spirit and knew that God had provided counsel for the war, which I had struggled with through the day. 

Third, God lives in you. This works in moment that may fall out of season. Even in ghetto spirit, there is a winter in which you hide until it passes and a summer during which you come out and enjoy the glory of the sun. In winter, go to a mirror. The word of God says that the eyes are windows to your spirit. Look at your reflection in the mirror, look inside your eyes and see God - and talk to HIM

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Covenants and Bonds. Fighting Fire with Fire.

A bond is an agreement that binds two parties with a responsibility to perform a certain task. Bondage comes from bond. Being under the bondage of demons means that they are mischievously holding you to a bond in the spirit realm. A covenant specific to a purpose(to your detriment) in other words, a covenant.

The sad part of this reality is that these bonds are formed through entrapments, deception and with the victims in a spiritual trance. This is why it is of utmost importance to write down dreams before they rush out of your mind, and any kinds of visions. Some kinds of bonds are formed in dream state, some through sex with spiritually unclean persons, some are mysterious as you may never see them in either, but somehow the spirit ends up bound.

There are various ways of entering a covenant but the concept is the same. A sacrifice is made,  over which declarations are made. This is the reason why at your lowest point of spiritual weakness, dreams will be filled with various kinds of eating. Partaking in the sacrificial offering is an ancient way of accepting the bondage between the covenanting parties.

Once done, these covenants are so strong which is why many people take a while before finally breaking the bonds. But covenant with God is even more powerful.  At times, prophetic actions are required to transcend the bondage of the physical realities.

Covenants are powerful. So make a covenant relating to the specific area of your life that has been targeted by the demonic bondage and let the new covenant also address the destruction of powers that are contrary. Let the angel of the covenant with God defend you and lead you the victory. (All covenants have an angel(a power) that ensures they stash binding to the souls involved.

Get creative. There are many gifts that can be offered to God. It can be physical or material.

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