Tuesday 25 December 2018

Signs That You Are Under Demonic Attack

This world is a battle ground. We are at war as sons of God. If you don't fight back, the enemy will not stop piling garbage over you until it OVERWHELMS and buries you. And even then He will still organize a party over your grave and keep guards to ensure you never rise.

These are Some of the tale signs of a demonic attack

1. Deep sleep

Demons just love sleep. ... If you cant keep your eyes open the moment you hold a book to study for that important test ... something is wrong. You better command that demon to turn away from you ... 

Proverbs 6:10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

That there describes the demonic robbery that literally puts your spirit to sleep, stears every bit of blessing.

2. Nightmares

The kind of dreams you have are the greatest tale signs of the kind of spiritual atmosphere surrounding you. Dreams are an experience had within a person's spiritual realm. Its like your spiritual house. 

Job 7
14 Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions:

So ... when you have been dreaming about travelling to beautiful places and rejoicing and it suddenly changes to being chased down by all Kinds of animals, people, and demons, know you are in a war zone. Be very careful because you spirit is exposed. There is a breach and sometimes it is hard to know the cause. 

The cause of the breach can be self inflicted. Note if there has been any I'll feelings harboured in your heart, any anger, resentment, rebellion, etc. You would be surprised how much that spiritual shield depends on your state of mind. 

Then there is of course, normal day to day interaction with evil. This is why I rarely make house visits, or invite people. I've had relatives who left me with demonic battles that lasted for months. Individualism has its advantages.

3. Your Mood
Your mood changes according to the dominant spirit in you. If the Spirit is a Prince of Peace, guess whose presence will inspire peace at your workplace, with your friends, etc. Take special note whend you are easily annoyed by petty things, you have no patience, hate everybody around you, etc. It tells of spiritual darkness that could be one hard battle if entertained.

psalms 6
2 Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.

Also, the easiest way to know the presence/power of God is with you is by the kind of "feel" it gives. If you suddenly get unexplainable peace, joy, love, you have power to speak against any demonic attack. Sometimes the power is in form of faith. When you just know your prayer was effective.

4. Attitude of people around you

You must have come across the saying ... "you shall know your friends when you are at your lowest point ..."

The reason why some of your friends desert you at your lowest point is that they can discern that you are under attack with little or no power. 

Job 30
10 They abhor me, they flee far from me, and spare not to spit in my face.
11 Because he hath loosed my cord, and afflicted me, they have also let loose the bridle before me.

Like wise there people in your life who are like see saws. One minute they are laughing at you another minute they are not. Don't even hate them. They are your greatest tale clock of the condition of your spirit. They become your foes the moment the battle comes at your doorstep. And smile with you again when you are walking in victory. Stop letting him/her get to you and you've won half the battle. And also take note of such people and CUT THEM OFF!!!!

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