Sunday 17 June 2018


This preacher who specifies on demonic bondage(covenants) and reversal through sacrificial offerings struck a cord (when I listened to a preacher on TV the other day), he said;

"When you bring an offering in the (Name of church) alter, my spirit joins to your spirit to fight your spiritual enemies". He had just taught his people a lesson. (On a seperate occassion, he said that some people in the same congregation had been dreaming of him fighting spiritual battles.)

Those people were entering a spiritual covenant as they brought their offering supposedly to (the church's alter). But it did not occur to them that they were also making a covenant with a god of that particular pastor. This is despite the constant praise of that what they kept calling "god of (name of church).

That is the story of the era of property gospel too. When you are told to plant into some bodies "annointing", it is a reference to their spirit. And to covenant.  

Are you sure it is a spirit you want to be joined to? A soul bond? Have you tested the spirit? Many people are being trapped in this way, though I must add, by joining the congregation, it is a form of acceptance of rule of their spirit as the world spiritually is governed by a system of spiritual rulers. It is impossible to escape the rule of the powers of darkness, but in church, the effect is more critical. Your pastor should not be an evil ruler of darkness in the spiritual realm.  

This is due to the place a spiritual leader takes. The moment their spirit takes authority over yours, It becomes a conduit through which God will relate with you. That conduit can be blocked at the will of that person. For example, at one point, I had stayed away from church and was eager to join a congegation again. I had maintained a strong relationship with God and was experiencing a closeness with him. His presence seemed as continually present with me. I heard his still silent voice as I sought direction and as I sought understanding of his word. 

A few weeks after joining a certain church (against all my instincts), I noticed that God's voice was not in my heart. His presence had been replaced with a void. It was surreal because I literally felt like there was a shield or roof that had cut me off and I did not have my previous breakthrough. Even more astounding is that God started responding to my general prayers for direction and understanding through that particular congregation's pastor. My close fellowship with had no breakthrough anymore. 

This is how God works, he uses authority in our lives as a conduit. And mine accepted the flow of God's goodness to me but only for a season. This is the danger of such kind of authority. It should not be that way for a true Shepherd. What happened to me was a perfect desciption of the description of shepherds by the prophets in the old testament.  I was fattened for a season but only in preparation for slaughter, like a domestic sheep. 

The vile rulers of this world work in seasons like that. When he arose against me, he was more ferocious than all the armies of the heavens put together. And i was at a loss. Because he ruled over my spirit. And God recognizes all forms of authority in our lives. He's the King of the Universe, and in this age, rules through the rulers, principalities and powers that he has given authority to. Evil as they are. 

Testing of spirits is the key. Not everyone calling out on God publicly loves him. When God warns you through your instincts or through the silent voice in your heart, listen, and run!! A wise person is a person who avoids evil. 

... And no. You cannot fight "from the inside." That is a person God recognized as a spiritual ruler over your soul. You either avoid the storm or get swept into the storm. Not how Christ kept leaving some of the synagogues and cities when their rulers arose against Him. He understood the power of rulers of the earth. And when it was time to give Himself up, He entered Jerusalem. He gave Himself to the rulers of Jerusalem. The rulers wasted no time in leading Him, the Christ, to the slaughter. 

The season had changed. Even Judas changed with the season. He was a ruler in Christs life and inner circle. A ruler of darkness as one of the twelve. That is the design of the church's foundation. And was very intentional. In perfect position to betray Him not just physically, but spiritually too, and  a lamb, he, Christ, obliged.

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