Saturday 9 November 2019

The Ancient Scripts on Heaven and Earth Lessons

I like reading various ancient literature because most are historical accounts and many offer insights to the nature of Man,  Sin, Principalities and Religion. Moses was Trained in Egyptian Wisdom. I believe it helped him understand men and various spiritual complexities. Here are some points of note:


There are countless places and countless "universes" ruled by various spiritual powers. I will call all of them and the entire thing a "time". This is because we are all existing side by side, so to say, at the same time. Because the black matter /space surrounding the universes cannot not be limited to a place.


There are many holy places or universes. Likewise, there are many unholy places in the heavens. Some unholy places mimic the holy ones. Their spiritual authority is complex with various cadre of Angels. 


When the bible refers to heaven, it is an actual place existing side by side with our universe, but currently inaccessible because of the powers that rule the earth. This is why Christ told his disciples in his last days ... am going where my father is ...; where am going ... you cannot go; ... am going to prepare a place for you ... The place he is going to prepare will be our heaven. There will be many others that have always existed. 


The earth(which was one time alive and pure like other heavenly realms) and the surrounding universe is a place of bondage, placed by powers of darkness. It is in deep slumber. Intense sleep. It has not always been like this. The earth has within it such power that would shake the existing spiritual realms when released. It is why the devil is so interested in humans. Man is part of the earth. He was created from the "dust" of the earth. This would explain the concept of the "new earth and new heaven" in the book of Revelation. 


The Princes .. The Principalities of the earth Descended from a different plane of existence. Not one of the Holy ones though. They are now bound to the earth. The rulers are descendent from the mixture of these Princes with the seed of men. Also earth bound, they are evil spirits inflicting harm on the earth. They remain evil. Remember, the giants procreated too. So authority is, first, by royal lineage, then, by age, or generation.


That said, the earth is littered with tribal people who believe their ancestors descendend from heaven. Don't be  rolling your eyeballs at these old folklore otherwise dismissed as myths of origin. Am guilty of this. Don't also be dismissive of people who swear that a certain mountain was their father. These giants were (or at least their bodies) destroyed in the floods. Their statutes were incomprehensible to modern civilization ... and their calcified remains litter the earth. They returned to the dust of the earth.

The word "generation" could be interpreted to mean the lifetime of either of the beings of the earth. The Descended Angels, Their offspring on earth, their offspring with men, or the lifetime of men. These vary from tens of thousands to tens. 

An age is greater in length. .. and ends with an extreme overhaul ... the kind that was caused by the descent of Angels on the earth. Or the creation of Adam an event, or the flood of Noah. In scientific terms, I believe the end of the flood brought the Ice Age .. as it is written, that God Caused a wind to blow over the water filled earth ... to create dry land for Noah. Some wind!! Mammoths were reportedly, frozen instantly! Kilometres of Ice sheets rose high to the north and south living only a small habitable area in the Sahara... Where Noah and his family survived ...

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Masquerading Familiar Spirits

Familiar spirits are spirits that most of the time may be originating from the ancestral line. They gain entry on the strength of blood relation so they may be in your life on the stregh of a family alter ... a bondage resulting. 

These Demons/Familiar spirits take the form of a person known to the dreamer if seen in a dream. Take note if that a person is perceived as being A at one moment, then as being B when you turn around, then as C all in one dream ... so that you end up thinking your dream had all three 3, but they all look seem to be doing the same continuous activity or not but most likely you know you never saw all three of them at one scene. These spirits are expert masquerades.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Using Fasting to Break Curses.

Curses are broken the same way they are set. By covenant.

Witchcraft (which is basically the act of putting curses on people) is actually just covenants with demons. They result to demonic bondage. This (cursing/spiritual bondage) can be done by people in our lives for various reasons like jealousy and competition, just baseless hate... some people just can't help but work evil... or for whatever reason. They are effective many times because most victims are unaware thus they don't protect their spirits. But Christ said ... I leave you in the midst of (evil). 

The problem with covenants, though, which is where you place the old actual animal covenants and the modern "plant a seed"(be careful with these ones - some "men of God" are powerful men in the dark kingdom who are seeking to put people in bondage) kind of covenants is that they are not permanent ... you'll have to renew it as many times as the people who placed the curse do. And the demonic take their chores dutifully😆.

Monday 19 August 2019


Fasting is a sacrifice, or offering to God. A sacrifice needs direction. When Moses was teaching Israel about offering in the temple, he was specific on the purpose of each and every ritual. There were peace offerings, to bring peace upon them; sin offering when they wanted forgiveness, thanksgiving offering and so forth. The name of the offering is according to the purpose for which it is given.

When one fasts, one denies themselves something, and that state of denial or abstention becomes the offering. Nazarites (like John the Baptist) set themselves apart and anointed for their assignment by denying themselves certain kinds of foods. So did Prophet Daniel, when praying for Israel, when He encountered the ArchAngel of God in response. 

This abstention becomes the basis upon which one speaks into the spiritual world, commands and gets the attention of the spiritual powers that be. It is a sacrifice, and sacrifice is a prerequisite of gaining contact with the spiritual. For Christ to grant us audience with the father, He offered a sacrifice: Himself. I don't need to get into a demonstration of how an offering of the body of the son of God was the epitome of sacrifices. There is no greater sacrifice in terms of the Spiritual Powers commanded by that one sacrifice. Let me leave it at that for now.

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