Saturday 26 October 2019

Using Fasting to Break Curses.

Curses are broken the same way they are set. By covenant.

Witchcraft (which is basically the act of putting curses on people) is actually just covenants with demons. They result to demonic bondage. This (cursing/spiritual bondage) can be done by people in our lives for various reasons like jealousy and competition, just baseless hate... some people just can't help but work evil... or for whatever reason. They are effective many times because most victims are unaware thus they don't protect their spirits. But Christ said ... I leave you in the midst of (evil). 

The problem with covenants, though, which is where you place the old actual animal covenants and the modern "plant a seed"(be careful with these ones - some "men of God" are powerful men in the dark kingdom who are seeking to put people in bondage) kind of covenants is that they are not permanent ... you'll have to renew it as many times as the people who placed the curse do. And the demonic take their chores dutifully😆.

What makes curses hard to break is that your enemies renew them at the turn of their appointed seasons. That's why some dreams (like eating with a group of familiar people, you may even be cut somewhere in a dream,) which are many times used by the devil for this purpose will increase at the turn of the year or at the turn of the month.

I advise you do it yourself to avoid the risk of getting a "spiritual father" who is mischievous - unless you are very good at judging of spirits.

The good news is that we have a power in Christ. The bad news is that God works with seasons ... and you can only win when is power to fight it. The thing is, it may come when you are not aware what the power is for, so keep in a prayerful waiting mode and speak declarations and destructions when you feel like you want to. It's that simple ... remember the other side keeps renewing their covenant so don't waste such opportunities.

In Eccleciastes three, the Lord speaks of Seasons. There is a season to war and sadly, a season not to. That is the reality of life. There is a way of solving these seasonal challenges: FASTING. 

Fasting is a form of sacrifice ... but when you fast, remember it's not just about starving yourself ... you have to use the power of the offering. Remember when Christ told his disciples why they found it hard to get rid of demons? He told them that particular one goes away with fasting. Fasting is offering oneself as a living sacrifice. This kind of power is superior to seasonal sacrifices. Because it derives from the new covenant of Christ.

So go on a fast. That's yourself as the sacrifice of the anti-curse covenant. The covenant will be for the destruction of the alter upon which that curse beholds the spiritual powers that have the mandate of executing it. Be as specific as the curse, see it as a coordinated plan that you need to turn on its own head. Speak to that/those demons as if they were right before you, and declare against them the same thing that they have declared against you.

This is how God fights. Remember when Israel was going through the wilderness, any nation that arose to fight them got eventually defeated in battle. God gave you the power to destroy that demonic alter the moment it was conceived against. Declare it's destruction. Say "by the power of this fast ... I declare/decree the destruction of this (perceive it in your mind and speak to it) ... " Put a curse upon that curse ...

Then don't forget to speak blessings upon yourself ... the opposite of what the curse was intended for. Make it a habit ... because the devil will always be scheming.

In case coming up with your own words is a problem ... pray using the book of psalms ... from the first chapter to where you will be able to ...

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