Tuesday 29 October 2019

Masquerading Familiar Spirits

Familiar spirits are spirits that most of the time may be originating from the ancestral line. They gain entry on the strength of blood relation so they may be in your life on the stregh of a family alter ... a bondage resulting. 

These Demons/Familiar spirits take the form of a person known to the dreamer if seen in a dream. Take note if that a person is perceived as being A at one moment, then as being B when you turn around, then as C all in one dream ... so that you end up thinking your dream had all three 3, but they all look seem to be doing the same continuous activity or not but most likely you know you never saw all three of them at one scene. These spirits are expert masquerades.

 Familiar Spirits can use these forms to make you believe these people are harming you in some form ... especially for spirits that are specifically created to keep women unmarried (the culprit could be the beneficiary of this victim's state that is desired by the maker of the demonic alter, or pure jealousy. So it may be parents, jealous relatives etc). 

(Those formed by non relatives like "friends" take a different format from bandages created by these kinds of alters . .. These bondages may be seen in a dream as actually having a body contact with a person that developed into a powerful magnetic bond joining the two spirits in a state of deep slumber. But I will not discuss this today. I will touch on bonds formed by/for familiar spirits).

An alter is a covenant to simply put it. If a person enters a covenant with a demon,  by making an offering and speaking/commanding negative words intended to establish some form of a curse over their victims, then that becomes an alter. Like the alters constructed in the old testament, these alters get seasonal visits from their makers to "remind" them of those covenants, hence renewing them. The demonic world works with seasons too. 

It's important to have a notebook at your bedside, to help with identification of such dreams before you forget them. To also have a better plan to wage your spiritual wars. Knowing this as the dream is in progress would make it harder for  these spirits to engage with you too, besides creating direction for your prayers and fasts. 

These are the kinds of bondage that need fasting because of the covenant aspect. They can also quickly go by making of covenant, but this solution could only work until the next season when their alters get renewed either by offering etc. It would become a routine. Either monthly, yearly, etc depending on their alters. 

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