Thursday 27 September 2018

Eating in Dreams Meaning

If you are keen, you will notice that this will happen during a season when you are down or you are having alot of other bad dreams. 

The rulers of this world attack people in their dreams and get their participation by feeding them within the dream. Once you eat (it is called the meat of the rulers) you will find yourself participating in activities you would otherwise not involve yourself in. After eating 8n your dream, you loose your voice and you can't tell off your attackers. You can't rebuke off those demons and you can't even breath when you want to speak. It is called the effect of vomiting your words after eating the meat of the rulers/witches.

It is witchcraft! Now you know them.

proverbs 23
6.Eat thou not the bread of [him that hath] an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
7. For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart [is] not with thee.
8. The morsel [which] thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Secret Ancient Scripts on Principalities of the Earth -

The topic of the Rulers of our world is better aproached from the beginning. From the descent of the sons of God. And what better place to start than from their own writings? 

Remember, the story will lean on the perspective of the story teller. So take that in consideration.
I propose reading in this order:

1. The apocryphon of John 
This is the perspective of the saints.
This discusses the creation of Angels and the various powers of the heavens. 

2. The scipt of Enki.
This is the descent of the angels and their perspective. These are the angels who teach men various things, including religious rituals that were used to worship them.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Knowledge of Demonic Powers Principalities and Rulers of darkness

When God started teaching me about demons I panicked, thought it was not from God, or that I was imagining things. Until I started relating my experiences with scripture. 

It makes perfect sense. Nations use alot of resources to spy on their enemies, study everything about them. It is different with Christians though. The topic of Demons/evil spirits is avoided like a plague. When it is brought up, it is laced with such fear and creepiness that it is rather avoided.

We still live in a world whose rulers are evil spirits. The principalities and powers and rulers(Ephesians 6:11)

Friday 7 September 2018

How God Speaks to People

🔵1. God is always talking. The difference is in hearing.

It is like this. All things are from God. He created EVERYTHING. That means, God is part of all things surrounding you.

This is how it works; you can be watching CNN and using it as a basis of recalling prophecy and meditating on God's word in relation to what is happening. It helps when you make an effort to study Scriptures too. You can do the same while walking, etc

That way, the Scriptures take life and you will eventually find that you just know about things that are about to happen in relation to prophecy, and as you fellowship, God will start interrupting your thoughts with revelation and understanding.

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