Friday 7 September 2018

How God Speaks to People

🔵1. God is always talking. The difference is in hearing.

It is like this. All things are from God. He created EVERYTHING. That means, God is part of all things surrounding you.

This is how it works; you can be watching CNN and using it as a basis of recalling prophecy and meditating on God's word in relation to what is happening. It helps when you make an effort to study Scriptures too. You can do the same while walking, etc

That way, the Scriptures take life and you will eventually find that you just know about things that are about to happen in relation to prophecy, and as you fellowship, God will start interrupting your thoughts with revelation and understanding.

🔵2. God speaks in in subtle ways that can easily be ignored

This is why you sometimes have dreams that escape, literally run away the moment you open your eyes. And also, be careful to write down dreams that are concerning the future or that have instruction of revelation. They are very easy to forget.

Another way that God is subtle is in the people he uses. When seeking after God's voice, be attentive to what these people say ...

▫A. People in authority over you (pastors, parents, elders, leaders in all places)

Also, note your parents especially when they give you instruction in dreams too. I have made some major decisions just because my father instructed me in my dreams, and it was confirmed by what I already had in knowledge.

▫B. Random preachers that cross your path
These are people who have opened themselves up to God's word so they are available to God's use most of the time.

Always "multiply" the word of God by associating it with scripture as you listen to preachers. This activates the latent power that is within scripture.

The word is alive, and it does not matter who is speaking it, if you activate it by relating it with God's word, it takes life. This is important because God ministers to people individually. That living word will come with exactly what YOU need.

❗(This is not to say that you should not judge the "prophets" whether what they say is scriptural. Then again, the importance of being versed in scripture cannot be overemphasized)

▫C. Dreams, visions

▫D. Knowledge

My greatest struggle is with knowledge. I cannot tell you how many times I "just knew" but just kept crying to God for a "sign". This tequires the greatest faith to obey. But the more you walk in obedience, the more this "knowledge" is increased and the audible the voice becomes.

🔵3.  The more you obey, the more you start hearing

🔵4. When God is ignored, His voice is delegated into the background. Drowned by all distractions, wants, desires. To start hearing again, you start all over again from step 1. Listening.

🔵5.Start talking back 
This is the secret of breakthrough. I cannot tell how many times I was ages distant from God in spirit but the relationship became alive again when I started talking  (not praying) just chatting, to God. God loves it. Don't believe the lie that you have to do this and say this and give this before God listens to you. 

Enjoy walking and talking to God.

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