Saturday 22 September 2018

Secret Ancient Scripts on Principalities of the Earth -

The topic of the Rulers of our world is better aproached from the beginning. From the descent of the sons of God. And what better place to start than from their own writings? 

Remember, the story will lean on the perspective of the story teller. So take that in consideration.
I propose reading in this order:

1. The apocryphon of John 
This is the perspective of the saints.
This discusses the creation of Angels and the various powers of the heavens. 

2. The scipt of Enki.
This is the descent of the angels and their perspective. These are the angels who teach men various things, including religious rituals that were used to worship them.

3. The Sophia of Jesus (inaccurate title)
This is a hidden script of Christ explaining the fall of Man. It is better read after the apocryphon of John and Enki because it discusses a spirit the first two have dealt with more in depth. 

4. The book of Enock
This is one prophet who tried to get in depth into the activities of the giants and fallen Angels.

Discoveries have so far made it undeniable that there is an advanced race that lived among men. They are fallen angels. The bible describes them as Angels who did not keep their places 

If you want to grow in knowledge and wisdom, read wide, especially from the ancients who experienced greater supernatural powers. The lost script of Enki explains how these power waned the more as they continued to stay on earth, 

For those who may wonder, well where are all this in our bible. These are the things hidden when you see scripture reference to keeping prophecy hidden because it was "not yet tome". 

The prophets are addressing both men and spirits. It is when parables are not used that you find scripture in the format of John's Revelation. He's referring to these spirits and describing them.

Take this one for instance. .. If you have read the above (there is YouTube audio versions that will take you through entire scripts very fast). What do you think this prophecy is talking about? ...

Revelation 12:
1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Remember, this is not a "hidden" saying, or a parable ... according to the prophets. ..

Revelation 22
10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

(This is a Preview of the Principalities of the earth...)

If you have read the above, you will take note of this:

1. When the evil being was created by the "she" spirit or the mother, without God's consent, he was the manifestation of rebellion in himself. He proceeded to take power for himself and brought forth his own angels and powers. This is the origin of the devil as we know him;

2. The lost scipt of Enki refers to this evil spirit as Nibiru, and speaks of a war between Nibiru and its mother, which the mother lost, and was slain. Her parts spread (she was really gigantic from observation) litter the space as planets. Her guardian spirits were likewise slain. (Before you laugh, you need to read further on petrified gigantic trees and mudfossil giants that litter the earth in full view of all. Also read up on a closely approaching meteorite jokingly dubbed the Halloween meteorite due to the fact that it is shaped like a skull ) 

3. By the time the script of Enki was being written, the being Nibiru was, like earth, a petrified form of its former living self, a planet. (If anyone knows of a script referring to the killing of the dragon//Nibiru, please point me to it  )

3. Her veins were full of gold according to the script of enki. In the Era of Enki, the dwellers of Nibiru descended on earth in search of Gold which is pulverrised and used to shield the planet from external elements like the sun. (Its revolution around the sun is afew thousand years and it is believed to be one of the recently discovered planets (planet x) discovered to be closing approaching planet earth.

4. That, after the dwellers of Nibiru came, they had supernatural powers, and we're the higher level of principalities, ranked according to their closeness to the throne in Nibiru, and when they mixed their seed with the sons of men (which needed some scientific intervention,) the mixed men that came out of them followed in ranking of powers that ruled over men. They also divided the earth into principalities and assigned the royal descendants of Nibiru the realms.

5. The script of enki refers to the earth as having had beings that "looked like them, walked in twos but with inability to speak like them or work" as they were looking for slaves.

6. That the human/god/angel hybrids were so vile and foul mannered that even the alien angels loathed them. 

7. In the script called "the Sophia of Jesus", Sophia is this same mother spirit that brings forth life on the earth, and since her rebellion, is the reason why men are born sinners, as they come forth as part of her spirit. 

8. That, after the flood, the Nibiruites realized that God was in control of Man and made a decision to seperate themselves.

9. That according to the lost script of Enki, this separation was not planetary. The angelic visitor of Nibiru created an ICEWALL in the south 
Apparently, their stay on earth rendered them incapable of living in Nibiru and those who returned died shortly afterwards. Their being had been configured to earth. Their king back in planet cut them off and cut off communication. They live for tens of thousands of years. They are still alive right NOW. IN THE SOUTH. Beyond the Ice wall. Due to disagreement, others went NORTH. 

10. Before the earth bound Nibiruites hid in the South, they introduced religious rituals to men by which they could be worshipped and entreated for help. That after a while, the King of the north presented himself as being higher in power by taking on the divine attributes of all the rest of his country folk. This got them angry at first, and they challenged him to a war. He won, and they gave up their claims, said it was God's will.
This makes me think of Lord Krishna/shiva/the destroyer. 

11. According to the Baghavad gita, Krishna describes himself as encompassing the attributes of all demigod and actually says that worship of these minor gods is worship of himself. This is the King of the North who descended from Nibiru to earth to getherwith a hoarded of other demigods. He said also that he comes to men every 1000 years to teach them to worship him (Baghavad gita).

12. This reminds me of Daniel's prophecy 

Daniel 11: 6 And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times.
7 But out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate, which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail:

13. These demigods believe in God - an all powerful source of all power and king over every power in the universe, and kept off the moment they realized God had a plan for man on earth. But they introduced idolatry. And our father's worshipped these from old.

People perish for lack of knowledge. (Sharing is caring )

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