Saturday 15 September 2018

Knowledge of Demonic Powers Principalities and Rulers of darkness

When God started teaching me about demons I panicked, thought it was not from God, or that I was imagining things. Until I started relating my experiences with scripture. 

It makes perfect sense. Nations use alot of resources to spy on their enemies, study everything about them. It is different with Christians though. The topic of Demons/evil spirits is avoided like a plague. When it is brought up, it is laced with such fear and creepiness that it is rather avoided.

We still live in a world whose rulers are evil spirits. The principalities and powers and rulers(Ephesians 6:11)

The topic is better apreached from the beginning. From the descent of the sons of God. And what better place to start than from their own writings? 

Remember, the story will lean on the perspective of the story teller. So take that in consideration.
I propose reading in this order:

1. The apocryphon of John 
This is the perspective of the saints.
This discusses the creation of Angels and the various powers of the heavens. 

2. The scipt of Enki.
This is the descent of the angels and their perspective. These are the angels who teach men various things, including religious rituals that were used to worship them.

3. The Sophia of Jesus (inaccurate title)
This is a hidden script of Christ explaining the fall of Man. It is better read after the script of james and Enki because it discusses a spirit the first two have dealt with more in depth. 

4. The book of Enock
This is one prophet who tried to get in depth into the activities of the giants and fallen Angels.

Discoveries have so far made it undeniable that there is an advanced race that lived among men. They are fallen angels. The bible describes them as Angels who did not keep their places 

If you want to grow in knowledge and wisdom, read wide, especially from the ancients who experienced greater supernatural powers. The lost script of Enki explains how these power waned the more as they continued to stay on earth, 

I'll let you make your own conclusions. But your knowledge of demons and evil spirits will be much better after this 

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