Tuesday 25 December 2018

Signs That You Are Under Demonic Attack

This world is a battle ground. We are at war as sons of God. If you don't fight back, the enemy will not stop piling garbage over you until it OVERWHELMS and buries you. And even then He will still organize a party over your grave and keep guards to ensure you never rise.

These are Some of the tale signs of a demonic attack

1. Deep sleep

Demons just love sleep. ... If you cant keep your eyes open the moment you hold a book to study for that important test ... something is wrong. You better command that demon to turn away from you ... 

Proverbs 6:10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

That there describes the demonic robbery that literally puts your spirit to sleep, stears every bit of blessing.

2. Nightmares

Friday 23 November 2018

The Secret to the Power of The Temple of Moses:

There are many lessons here for us. At a moment of grave oppression, even now these concepts can be applied with some modifications with assured results ... just don't make Aaron's mistake 

Moses had an understanding of the secrets of the Universe. He was not only skilled in the Holy priesthood and prophecy as we find out the rest of his family are priests and prophets (e.g Aaron and Miriam) but he was also skilled in Egyptian wisdom. 

Now, Egyptian wisdom is the knowledge of the descended Angels who later ruled Egypt as earlier discussed ( https://covenantsark.blogspot.com/2018/09/knowledge-of-demonic-powers.html?m=1) This experience came in handy when He needed to create a point of contact between God and the nation of Israel. He had known to distinguish between the holy and the unclean, Idolatry and worship of the great YHW who later called Him.

Sunday 28 October 2018


This topic continues from an earlier one I posted on a sharing website and here here>>>> http://covenantsark.blogspot.com/2018/10/relationship-of-men-with-spiritual.html?m=1


EFFECT 👉👉 Panic! !!!
1. Before the Panic, the [b]Kings of the East took note:[/b]

Mat 2: 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

2. It is interecting that the Roman empire made an attempt on his life

By Herod decreeing death of all new borns 2 years and below. This happened before as Israel was being delivered from Egypt. I have demonstrated how these Princes who were fallen Angels took power and ruled over Kingdoms of the earth. Links at the bottom

Saturday 27 October 2018

Relationship of Men with Spiritual Princes and Evil Spirits

Our Relationship with The Princes who descended, and with the Evil Spirits

One thing you will notice about these ancient text and the bible is that these two kinds of beings are referred to as distinctly. Don't just brush over scripture reference to rulers and Princes because they(many of them) contain secrets on how to interact with these spiritual beings. Lets start with the bible on the Princes:

Proverbs 28:2 |
For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.
It makes you wonder why God relates transgression with Princes. Well they are a special kind of Princes. 

So now that we know how we share this earth with fallen Angels AKA the devil and other foul spirits that result from the Angels mixing their seed with that of men ...

Thursday 27 September 2018

Eating in Dreams Meaning

If you are keen, you will notice that this will happen during a season when you are down or you are having alot of other bad dreams. 

The rulers of this world attack people in their dreams and get their participation by feeding them within the dream. Once you eat (it is called the meat of the rulers) you will find yourself participating in activities you would otherwise not involve yourself in. After eating 8n your dream, you loose your voice and you can't tell off your attackers. You can't rebuke off those demons and you can't even breath when you want to speak. It is called the effect of vomiting your words after eating the meat of the rulers/witches.

It is witchcraft! Now you know them.

proverbs 23
6.Eat thou not the bread of [him that hath] an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
7. For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart [is] not with thee.
8. The morsel [which] thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Secret Ancient Scripts on Principalities of the Earth -

The topic of the Rulers of our world is better aproached from the beginning. From the descent of the sons of God. And what better place to start than from their own writings? 

Remember, the story will lean on the perspective of the story teller. So take that in consideration.
I propose reading in this order:

1. The apocryphon of John 
This is the perspective of the saints.
This discusses the creation of Angels and the various powers of the heavens. 

2. The scipt of Enki.
This is the descent of the angels and their perspective. These are the angels who teach men various things, including religious rituals that were used to worship them.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Knowledge of Demonic Powers Principalities and Rulers of darkness

When God started teaching me about demons I panicked, thought it was not from God, or that I was imagining things. Until I started relating my experiences with scripture. 

It makes perfect sense. Nations use alot of resources to spy on their enemies, study everything about them. It is different with Christians though. The topic of Demons/evil spirits is avoided like a plague. When it is brought up, it is laced with such fear and creepiness that it is rather avoided.

We still live in a world whose rulers are evil spirits. The principalities and powers and rulers(Ephesians 6:11)

Friday 7 September 2018

How God Speaks to People

🔵1. God is always talking. The difference is in hearing.

It is like this. All things are from God. He created EVERYTHING. That means, God is part of all things surrounding you.

This is how it works; you can be watching CNN and using it as a basis of recalling prophecy and meditating on God's word in relation to what is happening. It helps when you make an effort to study Scriptures too. You can do the same while walking, etc

That way, the Scriptures take life and you will eventually find that you just know about things that are about to happen in relation to prophecy, and as you fellowship, God will start interrupting your thoughts with revelation and understanding.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Message For Israel: There is NO Time

3/8/18 a.m - I woke up startled with a heavy head after a disturbing dream. This was repeated severally to ensure that I got it. The message is for Israel ... there is no time. Prepare your hearts ... for Christ. The Age has come to an end.

The earth kept changing in form. We'd be outside when the ground started shifting like a park of cards being shuffled and buildings wound get move and inverted into the ground and shafted by the side and we would run for cover.

In the last bit, I had run for cover as others had, and we thought we were in a safe place in a building which felt like my home. But as we retired into our rooms, the earth moved again and this time, the building I was in started falling to its side. It took a while and the distance seem very long. But this time I knew it was going to pour us out, for a purpose. It did and I found myself on a journey.

I met a man. He just looked like any other Kenyan man. He informed me that I should go to a certain place. It was an evangelising mission to a remote household which would be quite a walk from where we were. I went to get afew more evangelists who werr in the area to go with me. 

It later turned out to be a mission to Israel. As i listened to him, i felt like he knew more about what was happening  and the Lord gave me understanding that he was a messenger and he would help me understand.

So I pressed on the man for answers and he said the message of the dream was about Israel. There is no time left. The dream was about the drastic change of the earth, and Israel, and the mission.

The earth just went through a drastic change and Israel needs to be ready. There is no time. Share this to as many as possible and prepare the way for Christ just like Israel did ... by repentance and cleansing themselves of sin. There is no time ... 

For the missioneries, it's not about money, just go, there is no time. They packed lunches for the journey, the few that were interested to go to the poor household where we were sent without financial pay, and had just left when I woke


Tuesday 24 July 2018

Times Alert: Another Season Has Just Begun - Old King, New Face

A new season just began, effective since the last hour of 25/7/18. In a dream, I saw one power leave an abode in one form which was close to the form of the burst of a wo/man and the same power went/glided into the horizon like the sun set as I watched. Then I saw her coming back from where she had disappeared into in the heavens right on the horizon, and It was coming back. At first, it seemed to be the same but I could not figure it out. But as I looked, I realized the power was flipping sparkling wings, and as she flew closer, the rest of the body could be seen. She was now a dragon. A huge one, larger than a story building. When she landed on the ground, her wings suddenly looked too small to carry the weight of that body ... I wondered. He was not friendly except to his men, some of whom watched the event as it happened.

💎My Take ...
This is a change of a season within a macro season. The Church is not yet out of the woods. We have been in this macro season for a while now, for years and the coming of this new power is just a chapter in a book that is in its last pages.

Keep yourself stayed in the presence of God by avoiding unclean thoughts, conversations; avoid conflict with men (do not be so easily provoked - it makes the devil's work too easy); never go to war without power (God's prompting), it is like going to war unarmed. In summary, like the Lord advised at the beginning, these are the principles to live by in this season:

1. Live right

2. Live Godly/goodly

3. Live Truth.

I pray that the Grace of the almighty be with us, to keep us and lead us to His rest. Amen.

Sunday 17 June 2018


This preacher who specifies on demonic bondage(covenants) and reversal through sacrificial offerings struck a cord (when I listened to a preacher on TV the other day), he said;

"When you bring an offering in the (Name of church) alter, my spirit joins to your spirit to fight your spiritual enemies". He had just taught his people a lesson. (On a seperate occassion, he said that some people in the same congregation had been dreaming of him fighting spiritual battles.)

Those people were entering a spiritual covenant as they brought their offering supposedly to (the church's alter). But it did not occur to them that they were also making a covenant with a god of that particular pastor. This is despite the constant praise of that what they kept calling "god of (name of church).

That is the story of the era of property gospel too. When you are told to plant into some bodies "annointing", it is a reference to their spirit. And to covenant.  

Are you sure it is a spirit you want to be joined to? A soul bond? Have you tested the spirit? Many people are being trapped in this way, though I must add, by joining the congregation, it is a form of acceptance of rule of their spirit as the world spiritually is governed by a system of spiritual rulers. It is impossible to escape the rule of the powers of darkness, but in church, the effect is more critical. Your pastor should not be an evil ruler of darkness in the spiritual realm.  

This is due to the place a spiritual leader takes. The moment their spirit takes authority over yours, It becomes a conduit through which God will relate with you. That conduit can be blocked at the will of that person. For example, at one point, I had stayed away from church and was eager to join a congegation again. I had maintained a strong relationship with God and was experiencing a closeness with him. His presence seemed as continually present with me. I heard his still silent voice as I sought direction and as I sought understanding of his word. 

A few weeks after joining a certain church (against all my instincts), I noticed that God's voice was not in my heart. His presence had been replaced with a void. It was surreal because I literally felt like there was a shield or roof that had cut me off and I did not have my previous breakthrough. Even more astounding is that God started responding to my general prayers for direction and understanding through that particular congregation's pastor. My close fellowship with had no breakthrough anymore. 

This is how God works, he uses authority in our lives as a conduit. And mine accepted the flow of God's goodness to me but only for a season. This is the danger of such kind of authority. It should not be that way for a true Shepherd. What happened to me was a perfect desciption of the description of shepherds by the prophets in the old testament.  I was fattened for a season but only in preparation for slaughter, like a domestic sheep. 

The vile rulers of this world work in seasons like that. When he arose against me, he was more ferocious than all the armies of the heavens put together. And i was at a loss. Because he ruled over my spirit. And God recognizes all forms of authority in our lives. He's the King of the Universe, and in this age, rules through the rulers, principalities and powers that he has given authority to. Evil as they are. 

Testing of spirits is the key. Not everyone calling out on God publicly loves him. When God warns you through your instincts or through the silent voice in your heart, listen, and run!! A wise person is a person who avoids evil. 

... And no. You cannot fight "from the inside." That is a person God recognized as a spiritual ruler over your soul. You either avoid the storm or get swept into the storm. Not how Christ kept leaving some of the synagogues and cities when their rulers arose against Him. He understood the power of rulers of the earth. And when it was time to give Himself up, He entered Jerusalem. He gave Himself to the rulers of Jerusalem. The rulers wasted no time in leading Him, the Christ, to the slaughter. 

The season had changed. Even Judas changed with the season. He was a ruler in Christs life and inner circle. A ruler of darkness as one of the twelve. That is the design of the church's foundation. And was very intentional. In perfect position to betray Him not just physically, but spiritually too, and  a lamb, he, Christ, obliged.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Powerful Prayers

Powerful Prayers are prayers done in season and with counsel. 

In season means that you make the prayers when you feel led, a kind of an instinct to pray about something.

Counsel means direction. It is when You know what to say on the spot. No reversals. 

For example: 
Afew days ago I decided to pray about a specific area of my life. I planned how on getting home, I would isolate myself in my prayer room and I started creating my prayer points through the day. 

Upon getting hope, I settled in. However, at the point of beginning my prayers, I just had what I needed to say clearly coming out of my spirit and knew that God had provided counsel for the war, which I had struggled with through the day. 

Third, God lives in you. This works in moment that may fall out of season. Even in ghetto spirit, there is a winter in which you hide until it passes and a summer during which you come out and enjoy the glory of the sun. In winter, go to a mirror. The word of God says that the eyes are windows to your spirit. Look at your reflection in the mirror, look inside your eyes and see God - and talk to HIM

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Covenants and Bonds. Fighting Fire with Fire.

A bond is an agreement that binds two parties with a responsibility to perform a certain task. Bondage comes from bond. Being under the bondage of demons means that they are mischievously holding you to a bond in the spirit realm. A covenant specific to a purpose(to your detriment) in other words, a covenant.

The sad part of this reality is that these bonds are formed through entrapments, deception and with the victims in a spiritual trance. This is why it is of utmost importance to write down dreams before they rush out of your mind, and any kinds of visions. Some kinds of bonds are formed in dream state, some through sex with spiritually unclean persons, some are mysterious as you may never see them in either, but somehow the spirit ends up bound.

There are various ways of entering a covenant but the concept is the same. A sacrifice is made,  over which declarations are made. This is the reason why at your lowest point of spiritual weakness, dreams will be filled with various kinds of eating. Partaking in the sacrificial offering is an ancient way of accepting the bondage between the covenanting parties.

Once done, these covenants are so strong which is why many people take a while before finally breaking the bonds. But covenant with God is even more powerful.  At times, prophetic actions are required to transcend the bondage of the physical realities.

Covenants are powerful. So make a covenant relating to the specific area of your life that has been targeted by the demonic bondage and let the new covenant also address the destruction of powers that are contrary. Let the angel of the covenant with God defend you and lead you the victory. (All covenants have an angel(a power) that ensures they stash binding to the souls involved.

Get creative. There are many gifts that can be offered to God. It can be physical or material.

Friday 9 March 2018

Are the Scriptures to be Taken Literally? Are it parables?

The bible is differentiated into parts with various styles of writing. Some parts are literal - like the journey from Egypt, rule of judges, Kings. That's a huge part of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, numbers, deutronomy, judges, Kings, and all the way into the captivity of Israel. That period is in nehemiah, ezrah, Esther, lamentations. 

The prophetic books are the parts of the bible that are mostly not literal. Except huge parts of Revelation. The bible is clear about this. Severally as the prophets write, they also write that God told them to "hide" it. So most of the prophesies in the books of the prophets concorning the future are not literal. I'll show you examples of that ... 

Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law [/b]among my disciples.

Isaiah 29:11 And [b]the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed
, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Hosea 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets. 

Ezekiel 20:49 Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?

The seals are what makes certain aspects of the bible less literal and more proverbial, using similes, signs, and use of stories to cover up spiritual secrets. There is a reason ... to blind some people...

2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ.

Some parts are literal - the historical accounts and accounts of actual activities of people as they went on about their business. The rituals, while people did them, are parables and have hidden meanings. So do prophets who hid what they actually saw in stories, similitudes, parables, and various other styles of hiding truths. 

The book of revelation is different though ... most of it is not sealed. It is an actual depiction of the spiritual realm... Instead of using stories of known histoorical nations, Kings, like other prophets do, John uses the description of the spirits(rulers, powers and principalities) he saw. He is repeatedly told ... do not hide/seal this ... in fact, the whole book is about the breaking of seals/hidden truths.

Except something that the Seven thunders said, it is hidden and lost somewhere in his account of the revelation he received ... 

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Animal Sacrifice: Significance

We have seen how principalities and powers are represented as animals. There are also unclean and clean animals. Vile powers and powers that glorify God. 

These powers are all spiritual beings of a high order - principalitit's equal to areas of influence.

Taking all this into consideration, now see the symbolism of sacrificing an animal, and giving it to God through fire. Fire is a purifier. God is the consuming fire that purifies. 

Only clean animals were offered - good powers. Undefiled powers that are free of corruption from the darkness of the earth. By giving them, the worshipers were symbolically tapping into the realm of the principality of their sacrifice - peace, joy, thanks giving, powerful realms in the presence of God. Tapping into the realms and using that power to reach a place of spiritual worship!

Tuesday 30 January 2018

When The Line Between Idolatry/Qabbalism/Freemasonry/Idolatry Worship and Worship of Jehovah Becomes Blurred

There seems to be a confusion as to what is legal in Christianity, or even Judaism.

The old temple was constructed in adherence to the Fibonacci sequence, the pattern that human structure, plants and most of God's creation took. It does not mean that modern adherents of cultists and new age demon worship who draw patterns in the same sequence and use them to conjure demons are doing anything that God would approve.

Some Israelites were just as confused. Prophet Ezekiel did explore this phenomenon. Israelites started using the temple for idolatry. God opened his eyes to the evil that was happening within the temple ...

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

Amos on worshipping other gods, and the consequences...

It is easy to buy into idol worship when it is normaliced by the society. It was for this reason that God tried hard to keep idolaters away from Israel. But they forgot why one day, mingled with their neighbours and their gods, and mixed Judaism with idolatry. God was clear. It was unacceptable...

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.

So if you are thinking of mixing witchcraft, qabbalism, freemasonry, and a little Christianity; they can't mix. You can't serve two masters at the same time.

Featured post

Message For Israel: There is NO Time

3/8/18 a.m - I woke up startled with a heavy head after a disturbing dream. This was repeated severally to ensure that I got it. The messa...